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Chandlers land development 4 storey flats!!!

On 15 Jun 2007 at 4:34pm Smiler wrote:
I hear that the developers of the Chandlers land are to to build 4 storey blocks of flats along the river bank - why the hell do they want to do that?
The other flats at the end of Timberyard Lane are 3 storey and they're bloody horrendous.
It just make for a nice view for the few that live there and no view for the many that live nearby.
They are showing their plans at the next Cliffe residents meeting on Thursday - thats got to be worth a look.
On 15 Jun 2007 at 7:45pm Mystic mog wrote:
The meeting is on WEDNESDAY.
On 15 Jun 2007 at 8:44pm For The Record wrote:
Existing residences are not allowed to have views - these are only for Estate Agents to market over-priced properties.
I'm surprised that it is only 4 stories - no doubt greedy developers and planners will maximise their profit and targets.
On 16 Jun 2007 at 9:19am Mysitic mog wrote:
'Existing residences are not allowed to have views'
Go to the meeting and report back before making assumptions - that is why there is a meeting. Most houses are a result of developers and builders including yours most probably.
On 16 Jun 2007 at 7:25pm For The Record wrote:
Mog - Forgive my cynical stance but I speak from experience!
According to our planning department residences are not allowed to have views.
There is a consultation process, unfortunately this equates to "consult and ignore" - put into practice many times by LDC (refer to Albion Street, Grange Road, Baxter's, Lewes House etc).
It will probably come as no surprise to you that LDC have recently given a desirable plot of land, free of charge, to a developer on the proviso that 24 properties are built on it. Interestingly, this hasn't even gone to public consultation yet but LDC have already decided what will be built on the site.
You can have all the meetings you want - ultimately the council and developers will ride rough shod over you!
On 18 Jun 2007 at 12:23am very irritated wrote:
This doesn't sound good.How do you know that they have already decided what to do with this land, if it hasn't even been put on the planning application list yet?
On 18 Jun 2007 at 9:27am Mystic mog wrote:
We have to ensure that planning law has been abided by. And thats the rub, plannning law can make it difficult for both redidents and councils alike, especially with the desire of the government to make local councils build in the south east.
Of course residents are allowed views and bodies such as the Town Council, Friends of Lewes, Lewes Matters are recognised bodies and do help channel public views. However it does not help when there are councillors who do not live in Lewes and seem to take pride in voting en masse for devolpements because they either do not want extra buildings in their area or are being petty political. Lets see how the new councillors fair.
We cannot give up, we must fight if something is wrong - look at the Harveys victory. Shame that that public support is not channeled against the parking scheme or some developments.
On 18 Jun 2007 at 10:57am Smiler wrote:
What time is the meetinig on WEDNESDAY?
On 18 Jun 2007 at 2:49pm Janet Street Preacher wrote:
The flyer I got said the Cliffe Residents Association Annual Meeting is on Wednesday 20th June at 7:30pm but they called it the Timberyard Lane development, which I don't think is a very accurate description of the area to be developed. I think Chandlers land is a much more effective way of desribing where it is.
Anyway I'm going to the meeting to have a moan even if I like what they're going to do.
On 18 Jun 2007 at 3:36pm Mystic mog wrote:
Neither is an accurate description if we want to be knit picking - since Chandlers no longer reside there. The development is at the end of Timberyard Lane after all.
Anyway lets hear what they say.
On 18 Jun 2007 at 9:19pm For The Record wrote:
"We cannot give up, we must fight if something is wrong - look at the Harveys victory. Shame that that public support is not channeled against the parking scheme or some developments".
Lewes is renowned for individual thought ? if you are passionate about this town you must challenge invasive ideas and nurture ideas that you feel will enhance our local environment.
It's your Lewes ? fight for it now!
On 20 Jun 2007 at 10:03am Mystic Mog wrote:
Its OUR town and I do fight for it.
On 20 Jun 2007 at 6:53pm Smiler wrote:
Its tonight at 7:30 be there
On 9 Jul 2007 at 1:15pm Kushmir wrote:
I attended the meeting, initial plans are, from memory, 5 houses (two storeys), and 26 flats (3 & 4 storeys), and offices, restaurant and a shop.
The developers have an office on the former Chandler's site where the plans can be viewed.
4 Storeys is too high for this riverside site, which is adjoining a conservation area.
The developers say that they want to undertake meaningful consultation and take on board local views - so if you want your view to be known visit their office or write to them!

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