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Cats being taken from gardens

On 9 Sep 2016 at 9:17pm Minion71 wrote:
Why are there so many cats being taken in lewes?
On 9 Sep 2016 at 9:25pm Amy wrote:
Where from?
On 9 Sep 2016 at 9:27pm Minion71 wrote:
Landport, malling and Abergavenny ?
On 9 Sep 2016 at 10:01pm Gary wrote:
fast food out let
On 9 Sep 2016 at 10:03pm Old bike wrote:
i tried the new Thai restaurant this week. Simply Perfect.
Oh....wrong thread, sorry.
On 9 Sep 2016 at 10:27pm Ment wrote:
What actual evidence do you have of cats being taken? Or is this just some thinly disguised rascism ?
On 9 Sep 2016 at 10:40pm Minion71 wrote:
Guess from those comments no one has any sense typical
On 9 Sep 2016 at 10:41pm Speedy4784 wrote:
Ive heard about this also there is a new craze kids are doing these days taking peoples cats and dumping them else where thinking its a big laugh
On 10 Sep 2016 at 7:32am Really just balls wrote:
What is this nonsense? Have you actually picked up a cat and walked down the street with it, I have, when you go past their familiar places they get very agitated, if you try to hold an agitated cat you end up getting scratched (a lot). Are you sure you're not confusing lewes with Croydon?
do you have a link or is this just an opinion?
On 10 Sep 2016 at 8:24am Karen wrote:
Its happening all over . They go on housing estates like Malling and take them away for their fur to make linings for clothes in factories in China . There are warnings all over facebook about it .
On 10 Sep 2016 at 9:16am Adele wrote:
Of course, if it's on Facebook it must be true !! Duh !!
On 10 Sep 2016 at 9:34am Really just balls wrote:
Any actual factual links?
On 10 Sep 2016 at 11:16am Really? wrote:
I doubt they would be going to the trouble of taking cats and then shipping the fur all the way to China, if you do your research the cruel swines breed them in their thousands for that purpose, also dogs. I did however buy a ushanka hat from a lady on Lewes market and it was very realistic looking fake fur, perhaps I need to take a closer look at it.....cats go missing all the time, my Mother in Law's cat went missing all the time, turns out he was getting fed by an elderly lady elsewhere.
On 10 Sep 2016 at 11:17am Sue wrote:
Can I arrange for my neighbours cats to be removed please.
Do they get put in a van like the child catcher from Chitty Citty Bang Ban - hope so.
Maybe then the garden birds might come back.
On 10 Sep 2016 at 11:36am Percy Thrower wrote:
Maybe they have been spirited away by naffed off gardeners and wildlife lovers, there's nothing worse then digging in your bedding plants to find that the neighbour's cat has crapped in your flowerbeds. Not as bad as finding the decapitated head of an unfortunate Bluetit on your front doorstep.
On 10 Sep 2016 at 4:08pm monty cute wrote:
What is the point of a domestic cat?
On 10 Sep 2016 at 8:17pm meic wrote:
If live in a town, you don't have a cat, and your neighbours do, you are the one infested by mice
On 11 Sep 2016 at 4:43pm Sweaty Betty wrote:
Hello folks, all your missing cats are round at my house and I can't get them to leave. I have an embarassing medical condition call Trymethylaminuria otherwise known as Fish Odour syndrome, and I am afraid you will never get your cats back until my Doctor can treat it successfully.
On 11 Sep 2016 at 11:30pm Meldrew wrote:
I hope the culprit is Mr Giant Slowworm, Muscles Mouse or Super Robin.
Too many of these overfed predators for my liking. Bloody things."My pussy is missing, please check your sheds" - maybe, in a years time.
On 12 Sep 2016 at 5:00pm Doggy style lover wrote:
1. Cats can generally cross the road on their own (a dog can't)
2. Cats won't damage a car if run over, a dog will
3. A cat won't get rounded up by the council and impounded, a dog will
4. A cat owner won't get prosecuted for letting their cat roam the streets (a dog owner will)
5. Cats will avoid people (small children) and not run up to them and jump up and lick them (a dog will)
So typical dog lover jealous of a cat being such low maintenance...
On 12 Sep 2016 at 7:52pm Minion71 wrote:
Clearly lewes is full of haters for cats I have cats asomeone well as dogs some people make me mad with stupid comments just really shows what people's attitudes are towards thing
On 14 Sep 2016 at 1:20pm Ed Can Do wrote:
I agree with Minion71.

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