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On 21 Jun 2010 at 1:49pm Giles wrote:
Anyone know who won the best carnival float on saturday?
On 21 Jun 2010 at 3:32pm j.p wrote:
the hospital float won
On 21 Jun 2010 at 10:08pm Roly Mo wrote:
Should have been The Cottage Pre-School Nursery float in my opinion.
On 22 Jun 2010 at 8:11am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Definitely the Nursery float with the train. The Cliffe float was good too.
On 22 Jun 2010 at 9:31am What was that all about? wrote:
I thought the carnival was dreadful. The parade of floats was ok (well done to those that made an effort) But the rest was dire! an overpriced french market, a load of corporate stalls, but apart from Harveys bus nothing that said this is Lewes. Thanks must go to Waitrose for putting up the £20.000 for the cost of closing the roads. would not like to see Lewes taxpayers money wasted. Don't bother next year i say.
On 22 Jun 2010 at 11:09am Floater wrote:
Its a shame more people don't get involved, but having said that there is never much publicity for it early enough in the year for people to sort out making a float. Even immediately beforehand, from what I could see, there were just a couple of small signs on the Brighton road that you could easily miss, and a little bit in the Sussex Express, which anyone in their right mind wouldn't buy anyway. It's a shame that the Cliffe is the only bonfire society that makes an effort, if they all did then they would straight away more than double the number of floats, not to mention injecting a bit more competition into the proceedings. The more floats involved would also mean the more people taking an interest and coming along to watch and get involved in other ways. In a town with such a wealth of creative talent, which can put on a massive spectacle like bonfire night, it is a shame that the carnival always struggles to get off the ground.
It is easy to criticise as 'What was that all about' did above, but it if they think there was something missing, then perhaps they should get involved next year, or even just put forward some ideas to show that 'this is Lewes' which could be considered in the future (if they have any that is).
On 22 Jun 2010 at 11:52am Down and Out wrote:
How long has it been going since it was reinvented? Is it four years? It just doesn't seem to have 'caught on' really. I'm not sure who might be targetted to get involved: schools; bonfire societies; businesses? TBH it's not something I could get excited about; for me it's well down the list of Lewes events after Bonfire, the raft race, the Toads, the skittles, Moving On parade etc etc.
On 22 Jun 2010 at 12:32pm Ahh Bumhug wrote:
I think the bonfire societies should keep well clear before it becomes just a summer bonfire and everyone gets bored of the bonfire as a whole. The carnival is for kids. Let the schools and kids clubs do it
On 22 Jun 2010 at 1:27pm Floater wrote:
Yes, I agree, it is for kids, and maybe you didn't notice, but there were only kids on the Cliffe float. Yes, there were some parents walking along next to it to look after the kids and carry collecting buckets but that is obviously going to be the case. However, I can't see how a float on a subject that has been decided on by the Carnival organisers, or anything that was going on at Malling rec afterwards, can in any way, shape or form be seen as a summer bonfire - it's a completely different thing. People from Bonfire Societies actually do get involved in a lot of things that happen in this town that are nothing to do with bonfire you know, just as members of any other kind of society or club do. So what exactly is the problem?
On 22 Jun 2010 at 3:28pm Ahh Bumhug wrote:
Well for one, you called it the Cliffe float. So Cliffe what exactly??
On 22 Jun 2010 at 3:35pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
Bonfire societies have kids in them, or are you too busy bumhuggin' to notice.
On 22 Jun 2010 at 3:51pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
I ony saw posters for it the week before and there was no attempted involvement of my kids schools. Does it celebrate anything in particular ?
On 22 Jun 2010 at 5:44pm Trevor wrote:

If its for kids why did they have some really naff pole dancing one year?
Really put me off it as any sort of family carnival.
Better to spend the money on the Guitar festival and the moving on parade.
First night of Artwave used to be good, when they closed the high street and had a band/dancing.
On 22 Jun 2010 at 10:37pm Chuck wrote:
I have been every year and it is improving, it takes time to get established. I can't believe you are criticising it. Why spend money on the guitar festival? Who enjoys that apart from guitar fans? And the Moving on Parade? Great if you have kids who are going on to secondary school, but its for them, no-one else (did you know it cost £30,000 to put on?) The carnival is for everyone, and it is a great event to bring Lewesians together (and DFL's). Long may it continue, myself and my daughter had a great time.
On 23 Jun 2010 at 8:23am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
If I wanted to live in a town that had a decent carnival, I'd move to Bridgewater, or Notting Hill. I think we had quite enough things closing the town to traffic before the carnival was reinstated, we don't really need any more.
Let's stick to what we do best - bonfire. Garland Day is ok, and Artwave was good when it first started, but ffs, there soon won't be a weekend when you can go to Tesco's without checking on here first to see if you have to go round the by-pass.
On 24 Jun 2010 at 11:37am Floater wrote:
Yes Ahh Bumhug, the Cliffe float was entered by the Cliffe Bonfire Society, but was there any mention of bonfire? was the float on a bonfire theme? was there even anything on the float to identify it as being made by CBS? The answer to all these questions is of course no, so please tell me how anything about it could have been construed as turning the carnival into a summer bonfire.

The float that won was entered by Victoria hospital (and which was mainly adults by the way), but you would not accuse them of trying to make the event into some kind of medical extravaganza would you. I certainly didn't notice Malling rec being turned into a giant hospital ward - at least not while I was there anyway.

Some people just look for any excuse to have a go at bonfire and then moan about it being 'rammed down their throats all year', but the truth of the matter is that it is mainly self inflicted. They ram it down their own throats by continually making ridiculous assertions like Ahh Bumhug, and trying to create a 'bonfire issue' out of something where there isn't one.

As for A C-T, I am surprised at your comments. Bonfire is great, of course, but don't put down other peoples efforts to do something in the town when you expect everyone to accept what you enjoy doing.

ps. Hello Chuck - now you told me who you were at the weekend ???
On 24 Jun 2010 at 1:54pm Chuck wrote:
I really don't know who you are Floater. Are you a DFN?
On 24 Jun 2010 at 2:58pm Floater wrote:
Depends what the N stands for! Maybe there is more than one Chuck, but if you are the one I am thinking of then I sat next to you on saturday night!

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