On 21 Mar 2012 at 9:49am Cliffite wrote:
I noticed this morning that there were multiple patches of broken glass from various smashed car windows along Court Rd.
Is it the same group who regularly vandalise cars around the Pells area?
Something needs to be done to catch these scrotes, all it does is cost innocent people money to repair, push their premiums up on insurance and affect everyone when the crime rate in an area hits a peak and raises risk for all residents.
What is the answer? The police only have a mobile camera which obviously can't be stationed everywhere. More CCTV? Vigilante groups of residents tooled up protecting their properties?
On 21 Mar 2012 at 9:56am AKane wrote:
Hmmm noticed yesterday a mercedes in Pinwell Road, main window smashed and a massive shoe mark.
On 21 Mar 2012 at 12:02pm Stans wrote:
I have lost count the times I have repaired my wing mirrors in Stansfield Road.
On 21 Mar 2012 at 1:03pm The Law wrote:
car outside Laura Ashley had smashed in window on Sat.
On 22 Mar 2012 at 12:12am AYATOLLAH HOGMANNY wrote:
Rest assured Cliffite, they were seen and identified by a concerned resident and should be behind bars if the police have caught them all...that will teach the little sods a lesson in keeping people awake all night and thieving, they forget the older generation remember them from childhood, not everyone over the age of 20 is senile. I hope the police throw the book at them!!!
On 22 Mar 2012 at 7:33pm Fed up High Street Res. wrote:
I noticed 3 cars parked in the High Street opposite the Castle all three in a row with their wing mirrors broken, happened over night Saturday/Sunday Morning. I have just had a run in now with 6 youths all 18plus and old enough to know better. Throwing rubbish that had been left out for the binmen around, shouting and being anti social, everyone was walking past them ignoring them, Ive had enough of this sort of behaviour, its not acceptable. I confronted them , was given a load of abuse so rang the Police, they soon cleared off. These lads were all 18 years old, probabally all from good homes.
On 23 Mar 2012 at 5:42am socialite wrote:
There's one youth who comes from Weald Close in Landport who is a particularly vile individual and is involved in a lot of anti-social behaviour in this town.
Only a matter of time before he is caught although the courts don't do much and the youth considers it another badge of honour that goes with his list of other coinvictions.
On 23 Mar 2012 at 9:54am Cliffite wrote:
Yes I had the "delight" of walking behind three lads, two of whom had just met the other one at the station after being released for being caught shoplifting at Tesco, talking as he'd been to Thorpe Park for the day.
Time to bring the stocks back, we can all throw our broken wing mirrors at them.
On 24 Mar 2012 at 7:58pm mickyboy wrote:
problem is not the behaviour of these poor deprived individuals its the liberal socialist do gooders who want to come up with excuses for them. still if we are happy to live in an integrated, multicultural, inclusive society we must understand the difficulties these misunderstood individuals find them selves in.and hope that they can be introduced to the concept that what they are doing is not quite the way forward in todays society. some how I doubt it