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Canon O'Donnell is not safe yet!

On 30 Apr 2008 at 6:43am Penelope Parker wrote:
The Sussex Express article was severley misleading.
The comments from the planning officers were taken out of context from the initial application and the officers are now leaning in the totally opposite direction.
To stop the proposed demolition application being approved at a meeting to be held on May 7, please write to the Planning Officer peter.young@lewes.gov.uk before Monday, May 5. The official deadline is this Friday, but letters may be received if there before the start of the day on Monday.
On 30 Apr 2008 at 11:01am s.oliver wrote:
Our planners would help a developer knock down the castle if they could, saying it was 'in need of restoration'
The O'Donnell certainly isn't safe, and if you want to get an idea of the quality of RH Partnership design there are a couple of depressing examples around the town.
There is a march in Lewes on Saturday to demonstrate 'no confidence' in the planning department, and to support Jenny Mumford who is being threatened with court because she screwed a protest poster onto her house using screwholes that were already there!
Details of the march can be seen on window posters around town, and 'save the O'Donnell' placards would seem appropriate.
On 30 Apr 2008 at 12:08pm C M Darcy wrote:
It is now possible to object online. Go to the District Council website. It's difficult to find but select Planning and then Weekly list. The application number is LW/08/0345.
The planning department have ignored the wishes of the town for far too long but we have to keep up the pressure.
Come on the march and make them listen. Starting at 12.00 at Malling Field (behind Tesco) this saturday 3rd
On 30 Apr 2008 at 2:14pm Justincurtis270@hotmail.com wrote:
Thanks for the lead - I've just completed the form online.
It is hard to find the info - check out weekly list "week ending 11th April" to find the info.
On 30 Apr 2008 at 2:35pm The Honest Truth wrote:
I'll be at Malling Field on Saturday at 12 midday and raring to go!
Not too sure what to put on my placard as I have so much that I want to say! My statement will need to be short, to the point and leave the reader in no doubt that Lewes is becoming a dormitory town.
Any suggestions?

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