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Canoeing Camping on the Ouse in Barcombe

On 25 Aug 2009 at 2:25am Smiler wrote:
I read lots of talk how about some action?
Shall we say this Saturday afternoon/evening then?
Bring tents, barbecues, sausages, beer, canoes, rubber dinghies, swimming trunks but most of all your rights.
I'll talk to Crispin Tebbutt at Boathouse Farm about camping if there's enough of a posse.
What say you shipmates?
On 25 Aug 2009 at 10:30am Hotlips wrote:
Smiler...it would be great if it happens,Crispin should be fine about it he is a nice bloke.....dont forget though no parking at the Anchor otherwise we will get shouted at and escorted off
On 25 Aug 2009 at 10:38am Naturist Boy wrote:
Why do we need swimming trunks, Smiler? What's wrong with skinny dipping?
On 25 Aug 2009 at 10:42am sashimi wrote:
Naturist Boy, if you bring trunks you can wear them if you want to and leave them off if you don't. Spare a thought for those of us who are shy and maybe less well endowed than you, especially if Hotlips is going to be there.
On 25 Aug 2009 at 1:24pm Tits Oout! wrote:
Sounds wonderful, count both of us in (or out, as the case may be)!
On 25 Aug 2009 at 5:04pm cliff edge wrote:
Where to park?
On 25 Aug 2009 at 5:11pm sashimi wrote:
There's a car park at Barcombe Mill just off the road and it's a lovely 15 minute walk up to the Anchor by the river. It's a pity the pubs not up to much when you get there. I realise this info isn't much use to someone carrying a tent and a canoe

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