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Cameron should go now.

On 23 Sep 2015 at 4:37pm Gloucester Old Spot wrote:
In the light of the revelations in the press about Cameron`s many inadequacies and the fact that he will be stepping down anyway before the next election, he is a lame duck or should I sayl ame pig Prime Minister,and should step down now. He has turned our country into a global laughing stock.I think he should step down for the good of the country and the pig industry.
On 23 Sep 2015 at 5:23pm Piggy Sweeney wrote:
How anyone can trust the 'man' (swine more like) is beyond me!
He's totally contemptible & self-serving. He gleefully & openly brags that he's 'Been Born with Two Silver Spoons in his Mouth'. Its not that he comes from a highly privileged background that gets me, its his ability to lie & swindle the British Public all done with a smile and a false sense of sincerity!

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On 24 Sep 2015 at 10:04am Slarty wrote:
Can I have suggestions of PMs (or MPs even) that have not lied and swindled the British Public? (I'll suggest James Callaghan, but not totally sure although one of the more honest, IMHO).

Secondly, can I have a list of people who believe what they read in the paper, especially when the source is someone who has a grudge against the person in question and it is admitted that there have been no checks to corroborate the story.

Although I am pleased this story is out there as it is very funny to read about. We really need Spitting Image (or similar) back on the TV at times like this.
On 24 Sep 2015 at 10:59am Piggate wrote:
When someone makes accusations of this nature, if they aren't true then the person being accused is generally pretty quick to deny them. Also the British legal system loves a super-injunction to stop anyone reporting it.

That neither of these things have happened is all the proof anyone should need that he did it.

Given how the Tories have been overly fond of personal attacks and dragging things out of people's past as a form of campaigning of late there is a delicious irony to the whole situation. Of equal concern that our PM indulged in necrobestiality in the past however is that one of his party's biggest donors was so upset he couldn't buy himself a cabinet post he felt the need to release the information.

The bare minimum that should come of this is Cameron's resignation and actual rules about limiting the amount an individual or organisation can donate to a political party being introduced.
On 24 Sep 2015 at 12:42pm Slarty wrote:
@ piggate.
The source for this story is an anonymous man who does not even claim to have seen the incident or even have known Cameron. Lord Ashcroft does not claim to have knowledge of this incident apart from this 3rd party anonymous source.
If Cameron responded to piggate then he would be obliged to respond to the other allegations made in the book, including the potentially more damaging allegations regarding Ashcroft’s non-dom status, or ALL allegations against him. Best, possibly, to not comment on any of the book’s contents.
The (alleged) incident happened at an initiation ceremony of the Piers Gaveston Society, a very secret society that Cameron denies ever being a member of, so if that denial is considered then the entire situation behind the incident is impossible. If you don't accept that denial, would you accept a denial of piggate?
Can you take out a super-injunction on something that is not real and would Cameron have known about it before it was published in the paper? Also, don't you think that would make people just think you're guilty straight away?

If you are prepared to believe something published in the Mail, written by a man with a grudge, citing an anonymous source who admits he wasn't there and doesn't even know the bloke just because there has been no official denial or litigation then that's up to you. But I'm being a little more cautious. And, if it is true, if you think someone should resign for something that happened 30 years ago that is a totally different argument that, for the record, I think you are also wrong about. I definitely think you are wrong calling for his resignation on the amount of "proof" shown to the public so far.

As another point, I think that someone could not buy their way into the cabinet actually a good thing and actually shows integrity by Cameron.

(I've just re-read this, no I am not Paul Newman. I'm not even an avid Tory, more of a floating voter!)

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