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Calling Local GP's or Offshore Call Centre's

On 29 Apr 2015 at 11:49pm Harvey wrote:
Even though I regularly need my GP due to some serious health issues, I've stopped trying to get appointments. My GP can't make me an appointment for at least a month often longer.
Sometimes I fall seriously ill on weekends & I dread those times, but as one can't see an out of hours GP that belongs to my medical practice any longer I have to ring either a national NHS Emergency 999 number or an NHS Non Emergency 111.
This so called initiative was completed Feb 2014.
My concern about this 'initiative' is that having to call NHS 111 is that they have absolutely no understanding of who you are and what problems you face. They invariably advise you to go straight to your local Accident and Emergency no matter what the problem!
It doesn't take a Brain Surgeon to work out that Hospital Numbers have risen sharply since the doing away with our Local Out of Hours GP's!
Is this really the way forward?
It would've been far better if they had left the GP's Out of Hour's Service alone!
On 30 Apr 2015 at 12:24am Sussex Dim wrote:
The NHS 111 number isn't really working. It's another bright initiative brought to you by the Conservative Government. Start learning to speak Bengali or Urdu if you want Health Care in Britain.
On 30 Apr 2015 at 1:44am Crisis what Crisis? wrote:
Vote Tory for more of the same vandalism.they are deliberately wrecking our National Health Service.WAKE UP BRITAIN!

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