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CBS the new Millwall . . ?

On 6 Nov 2014 at 2:10pm Burn 'em wrote:
The evening of November 4th and a couple of us decide to wander down the Cliffe to watch the banners going up, sup a pint and enjoy the usual entertainments. A few wags from CBS decide to erect a banner on the Gardeners stating 'If you're not in The Cliffe, go back to your own end of town'. Well, excuse me, but isn't the Gardeners a PUBLIC house and the road a PUBLIC highway? Added to this a handful of CBS members standing round looking intimidating, staring at and making rude comments towards anyone who was not a Cliffe member, plus the alleged racist comment made towards one person and generally creating a very unfriendly atmosphere. Of course, all of this came from just a few CBS members and more than a few others told me afterwards and since that they thought it was wrong and completely unnecessary. November 4th is one of my favourite nights of the year and I have never experienced any trouble in the past. We moved on to the Lamb later that evening where the fun continued. We were made very welcome as, I might add, were more than a few CBS members – despite it not being 'their end of town'. Come on now lads, I'm all for a bit of friendly rivalry between societies, but now, more than ever, we need to all stick together. We are all in Bonfire, we all love Bonfire, let's stay united and continue to enjoy ourselves and this great tradition.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 2:27pm Cliffe Hanger wrote:
Good Lord. Get a grip man.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 3:12pm Millwall in Lewes wrote:
What exactly is the Millwall connection?
Oh goodness me there isn't one.
Just another idiot using the easy stereotype you must be a Mail of Guardian believer
On 6 Nov 2014 at 3:20pm Burn 'em wrote:
Er, it's fairly obvious but I'll spell it out nice n slow... some supporters of Millwall FC famously sing 'Nobody likes us, we don't care' – I'm suggesting, by use of analogy, that one or two in CBS may foster similar attitudes. And I wasn't having a pop at MFC, by the way. Not sure what a 'Mail OF Guardian' believer is, but I have been to the Den (new and old) many times...
On 6 Nov 2014 at 3:32pm Millwall in Lewes wrote:
Yes I'm sure you have
As for making something obvious you really need to have another read.
Perhaps you might like to re phrase it
On 6 Nov 2014 at 3:36pm WTF wrote:
FYI - We're Millwall, everyone hates us but we don't care.
I'm assuming that's the analogy Burn'em is drawing.
My 11 year old daughter described CBS last night as "cool chavs",
oh we did have a chuckle at that.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 3:49pm Burn 'em wrote:
OK, OK, forget the Millwall thing. I love MFC. I apologise if I have upset any MFC fans, ever. That is not the point. The point was about a few CBS members...
On 6 Nov 2014 at 5:18pm Oswald wrote:
Burn 'em, why do members from other societies want to come down the Cliffe on badge night? I've asked a couple and they said that their own badge night is crap. Maybe they should make more of an effort at their societies badge night in the hope that it improves it rather than gate crashing ours. COYI
On 6 Nov 2014 at 5:34pm Moseley wrote:
Get out the black shirts
On 6 Nov 2014 at 7:35pm paul wrote:
I thought the gardeners arms was the south street hq?
On 6 Nov 2014 at 10:37pm AF wrote:
Looks like I resigned my membership of this bonfire society in decline just in time. The last time I checked, The Dorset was the Cliffe HQ, not The Gardeners. As for 'why do members from other societies want to come to the Cliffe on badge night' - as far as I am aware we are free people and as such able to go where we want. This may not be anything to do with supporting the Cliffe, more to do with challenging their claim to control a part of the town.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 10:54pm NF wrote:
This is entirely new. Looks like a raw nerve has been hit.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 11:09pm Local wrote:
Paul - try the Snowdrop for SSBS. Clues in the sign on the wall, their Programme, processions starting point, etc
On 6 Nov 2014 at 11:55pm Oliveripopodopolous wrote:
A few Cliffe members are just very sore that their effigy got no mention in the news. Oh and real bonfire people welcome other society members as they do cliffe at theirs. ps Sorry about your crap hq. Oh and if we have to stay at our end of town. Leave 'our' memorial alone and stay your side of the bridge
On 7 Nov 2014 at 12:16am NF wrote:
Am I to understand that the Gardeners doesn't want the trade of non Cliffe members any more?
No problem. #boycott?
On 7 Nov 2014 at 8:51am Cliffe Member wrote:
Funny, there were more people from other societies and members of the public in Cliffe High Street on Badge Night than there were Cliffe members!
Unfortunately however, there are idiots in all Societies, including ours, that take what should be friendly rivalry that bit too too far - in fact I have experienced just the same treatment myself in the past when due to an emergency I had to get past Commercial Square prayers to get home.
Real Bonfire people stick together when it matters, whilst those that don't understand get confrontational and agressive, and we can all do without them.
On 7 Nov 2014 at 11:59am Member wrote:
My understanding was it was a dig at Southover who got lost (Again) in 2014 and crossed Cliffe bridge without telling anyone they were going to do it, causing huge disruption to various processions and huge potential health and safety issues as the crowd had not been cleared from the bridge to let them through. That was why there were "No entry" signs up on Cliffe bridge on the night too.

Admittedly it was a bit of a crude attempt at humour and if you didn't know the backstory (As probably 99% of people in town don't) it could be easily misinterpreted. Given how quick people are to take offence these days then in-jokes are perhaps left as just that rather than being aired in public.

I thought the atmosphere was great outside the Gardners and in all of the Cliffe on the 4th. Everywhere you looked there were people of all colours chatting and laughing. There really is no malice from Cliffe members towards any other society and I wish people would stop trying to invent some drama where none exists.
On 7 Nov 2014 at 12:26pm WTF wrote:
Just a thought:
Divide and rule is the governments strategy, lets be aware that Lewes will lose Bonfire if we allow ourselves to be sucked in.
On 7 Nov 2014 at 6:25pm High Dudgeon wrote:
Good point on divide and rule WTF. The No Entry signs were both sides of Cliffe Bridge and were part of the pedestrian flow system put in place by the authorities causing all sorts of crowding issues. The bridge closure was put in place when the railings were weak and supposedly dangerous a few years ago. They were repaired, but the authorities haven't returned the bridge to the people - they have the high ground for their command post. It's just another little wedge that they've driven in that needs to be pushed back on.
On 7 Nov 2014 at 6:35pm belladonna wrote:
member - Southover got lost ?? Please explain ? I wondered what they would do once they had marched last in the grand procession (not 'United' this year because of insurance issues apparently)
On 7 Nov 2014 at 7:27pm Confused wrote:
Grab a beer, light a rookie, stop being a pussy and join in!! ;-)
On 9 Nov 2014 at 7:59am Southover Smuggler wrote:
@ member
Sorry to disappoint you, but SBS did not "cross" Cliffe Bridge on 5th Nov, we stopped on the bridge, where our Archbishop wished CBS members a good evening - as had always been planned. Our Captain of Smugglers launched a blazing barrel into the Ouse and then we left.
At no stage did any of the SBS processions get "lost" as you seem to think.
Suggest you speak to your CBS colleague "Cliffe member" who seems to have the right attitude. Friendly rivalry helps Bonfire, simple-minded "aggravation" does not.
On 9 Nov 2014 at 9:25pm NF wrote:
Lies, damn lies and Bonfire

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