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Bulk Food Buying Group?

On 18 Jan 2014 at 12:04pm Luke wrote:
Does anyone know if there is a Bulk food buying group in Lewes? With Suma foods or Infinity foods?
If not, would anyone be interested in this if I set it up?
It is the only way I know to buy good quality at a "normal" price. Quite frankly, Waitrose is KILLING ME!!! :-)
On 18 Jan 2014 at 12:33pm Southover Queen wrote:
There certainly was a group bulk buying Infinity Foods, but when I investigated (about two years ago) they didn't need any more subscribers.
On 18 Jan 2014 at 1:19pm Jane S wrote:
Good idea, Luke
On 19 Jan 2014 at 12:16am Another b&b lady wrote:
Just trade, once a month, infinity foods etc. bulk buys. welcomes new members. Pick up from Lewes New school. Check out www.justrade.co.uk,Lewes
On 19 Jan 2014 at 9:47am Sjep76 wrote:
I have just tried to use the web address above and can't get it to work
On 19 Jan 2014 at 10:05am Luke wrote:
It is justtrade.org.
I'm investigating now. Thanks for the tip off!
On 19 Jan 2014 at 10:20am Luke wrote:
Justtrade looks pretty good. £6 annual membership. Next order is in February. Looks like they do it every 2 months. There are a few things I need that aren't on their list but I'm hoping I can request a few extras.
Now I've got my milk round, veg box and groceries sorted! No more waitroes for me! :-)
On 20 Jan 2014 at 2:19pm belladonna wrote:
You should really give Aldi a try. Half the price of waitrose
On 20 Jan 2014 at 3:59pm Luke wrote:
Well price isn't the only issue. Bulk buying means less packaging , you can get everything Organic and it's nice having the cupboards full!

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