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Building work along landports, cabbage walk

On 21 Jun 2006 at 4:35pm C-S-B-S Member wrote:
i know that they are rebuilding the wall along the path way but does anybody know what is happening to the land on the road side at the end of stansfield road?
On 21 Jun 2006 at 7:05pm Ann- bo- lin wrote:
yes they are building a multi story car park there saw the plans in county hall
On 21 Jun 2006 at 11:12pm C-S-B-S Member wrote:
Honestly, Need parking but thats a bit extreme and there isnt alot of space along there oh well. maybe it will look better then those disgracful new houses nr sun street
On 22 Jun 2006 at 9:05am i dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
I dunno how you can make derogatory comments over those well designed properties.
Jealous Eh?
Where else can you relax on your private balcony in the morning sun and slowly savour that breath halting view of... Waterloo Flats in all it's Glory (hole).
It's been rumoured on a clear day you have an unobstructed view of "Fag Ash Lil'" from 23, as she resplendent in her old, soiled dressing gown, leans precariously on the rusty railings and inhales her first lungful of nicotine.
Such delights... Veritable eye candy... And all this for the bargain price of £340K - £360K.
On 22 Jun 2006 at 5:55pm Chav wrote:
Oi Phil, leave my nan out of it.
On 22 Jun 2006 at 11:06pm expat wrote:
What about the wall they're considering building along the Pells? (www.vivalewes.com). That's really scary stuff. Nothing will ever be the same again! Surely they can't do this. I won't recognise my 'Hometown' next time I visit. Chav, buy your Nan a a new dressing gown.
On 23 Jun 2006 at 11:07am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
The Pells wall sounds 'orrible... tempted to go to the Pells @3 O'clock on Saturday to see them hold up a long 2 meter high bit of cardboard to simulate what the "real thing" will look like.
Hope it's bloody windy... Great entertainment value if nothing else.
I think that someone should tell those very nice people from Angel Properties that the water also floods up the railway line... goes through the tunnel before ending up at Lewes railway station.
Maybe they will build a brick wall across the railway line to!
ps. Sorry for the comments I made about yer Ol' Gran Chav... feel even sorrier for yer Ol' grandad...
On 26 Jun 2006 at 11:06am Matt wrote:
The water usually seeps up thru the ground as the watertable rises too. Build as many walls as you like, you won't stop all the flooding.
On 26 Jun 2006 at 1:17pm Pensioners rant wrote:
cabbage walk is a muggers paridise and should be closed for ever as it's a bolt hole for bandits and rival street gangs.P.S is Lil single? Also dodging high speed cyclists with my zimmer is beyond belief.
On 27 Jun 2006 at 3:55am expat wrote:
They should stop building, remove the car parks and kids playgrounds, tennis courts,roads,pavements etc. then the water could seep back through the ground. We could go back to horses and get rid of the noisy mopeds too.

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