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"Bring your own booze" restaurant?

On 16 Sep 2011 at 6:42am Al wrote:
Is there a "Bring your own booze" restaurant in Lewes? or maybe around here?
That would be nice.
On 16 Sep 2011 at 8:08am DFL wrote:
I'm sure there are, I heard of one on this site recently that charged £2 corkage, but blowed if I can remember....
On 16 Sep 2011 at 4:37pm Clifford wrote:
How did this strange 'corkage' business start? When you could smoke in restaurants you never used to get charged for bringing your own cigarettes.
On 16 Sep 2011 at 8:11pm Peter Byron wrote:
Good point Clifford, how are you old friend? BYO is a good idea, as long as you are strong enough to carry a crate as I am ha ha. Best, Peter.
On 19 Sep 2011 at 9:56am belladonna wrote:
Buttercup may or may not be BYO, they can;t seem to make up their minds.
We ate there last year and asked if we could bring our own wine - no problem, no corkage etc. Ate there with friends a few weeks ago and brought a bottle of wine, the waiting staff bought us glasses, made no comment on us drinking alcohol, all seemed perfectly happy until we paid up and left whereupon the owner launched into an attack on my friend about how unacceptable it was, no licence, we needed to ask first and that they charged corkage, none of which had been mentioned by the staff during our meal.
Very confusing...
On 20 Sep 2011 at 11:37am Southover Queen wrote:
Viva Lewes reports that the new Laportes, next to All Saints, charges £2 corkage. However it's not exactly a restaurant of the evening meal three course variety.

Why aren't there more restaurants offering BYO? Because the markup on alcohol is considerable and must contribute a lot to overall profits, I'd guess. And the truth is that restaurants in Lewes always do struggle, particularly if they don't have a second string to their bow (such as being a standard pub as well as restaurant).

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