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Brian, can we have our money back?

On 28 Aug 2006 at 5:48pm Roastbeef wrote:
How about some basic economics, seeing as this is a subject not really covered in the Daily Mail:
1) In the Western world, Ireland, the UK and the US have among the highest immigration figures, but also have the fastest economic growth. Coincidence?Probably not. Given Brian's complaints about Porto Ricans, I'd assume he's living in New York (or at least somewhere in the North Eastern seabound) -- why leave Lewes because there are too many immigrants and go somewhere where there's probably 20 times as many?
2) A young Polish couple coming to this country generate massive savings for the U.K. economy. You have ready-made workers who haven't been put through the school system for 16-22 years at the UK tax payers' expense.
Brian has been more of a drain on the UK taxpayer than any immigrant will be. Having moved to the US aged 26 I'd guess he only paid tax for around 5-6 years, and probably wasn't a high earner, given he's still in his 20s. However, Brian's schooling has cost the the UK tax payer approx £80,000. When are we going to get that back Brian?
3) A Pole or any other immigrant doing a job for less pay is helping to cap inflation (currently one of the lowest in Europe) -- making the UK economy much more competitive than other European countries' (the French can't even employ their youth and they've not even opened their doors to the new EU accession countries).
4) With an aging population, this country is moving towards the point where there will soon only be 3 people of working age for every pensioner -- allowing immigration is one of the most effective ways of countering this.

I also wonder what the average American's view is of British immigrants in their country? Are they a drain on their economy? What's wrong with Porto Ricans? My understanding is that Puerto Rico is part of the U.S. in a similar way to which the Isle of Man is part of the UK.
The reason 1 in 5 people are considering leaving the UK is because those 1 in five already have homes abroad (unheard of only 10 years ago, thanks to the economic growth we've experienced), are retired, have much more spending power in another country because of the value of their assets and earnings in this country (have you seen how cheap houses are in France and Germany?) or are simply more relaxed about living abroad in when they can fly back for £9.99.
On 30 Aug 2006 at 2:58am Brian wrote:
RoastBeef, read the Daily Mail, dated Auguest 29yh, nice article om Migrants in there and their drain on the UK economy.
On 30 Aug 2006 at 9:25am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
I think Brian may have a point in his original post, RB. Unless you earn twenty eight (I think) grand pa, then you are a net drain on the country. Can't see many poles earning that working in hotels and on building sites.
On 30 Aug 2006 at 9:36pm Brian wrote:
Thats the article, thank you TF.
Also Roasty, take into account the 1 million + illegals, not paying taxes, thay are completely off the radar. Think they are helping the economy?
In regards to my earnings.
I worked from 13, paid tax from 16, actually left the UK on a salary of £40k as a manager in the telecom business, as well as running my own company earning an additional 30k PA, paying taxes on all.
Never signed on in my life, have never been to hospital despite paying NI since 16.
(From the age of 17 I've had a net income of £40k plus per year)
I've paid more in tax in 10 years than a lot of people pay in a lifetime.
I have never expected, or claimed anything off the government.
In regards to schooling, I left at 16, decided not to go to College and instead went straight into full time employment. So I think your £80k maybe have been a tad high.

On 30 Aug 2006 at 10:09pm mick wrote:
Sounds to me like one of those reports you see on friends reunited.
Funnilly enough everyone you ever knew on there is a self made man who left school before they even started.
On 31 Aug 2006 at 4:08am expat II wrote:
Frankly, the fewer people left in the UK that believe what they read in the Daily Mail, the better. As for "1 million + illegals", perhaps Brian ought to check his entry visa, it looks to me like he emigrated to Cloud Cuckooland.
Whatever happened to all those hordes of invading eastern european gypsy thiefs the Daily Mail screamed about a couple of years ago ? - they never quite turned up did they? Besides which, RB's point is still a valid one Brian, if you resent migrant labour entering the UK, then you're a hypocrite.
On 1 Sep 2006 at 10:37pm Brian wrote:
You can believe what you like. I'm happy in the knowledge that I'm very secure

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