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Brexit has failed those that voted Leave

On 8 Aug 2018 at 10:58pm Rob Jones wrote:
Well Brexit has failed the people who voted for it . Nothing I heard from the Leave campaign has come true . As far as I can see Global Britain ain’t gonna get past the Isle of Wight.
When will the Brexiteers realise how much money the UK loses if the pound slips one decimal point against the dollar or euro .
Don’t they realise their pound is now buying about 25% less than it did 3 years ago and it is down to Brexit . Don’t they realise with an ever weakening currency the country becomes more and more vulnerable to outside influences . As your currency declines it makes everything in your country cheaper for big corporations from other countries to take over .
Brexit is as sure as hell the best way to lose all your country’s assets . You will soon be at beck and call for all the big trading powers . Take back control will lead to you being controlled by the US , China, Japan and the EU and you will have no input into the decisions being made that will affect you .
Sorry, but a lot of trusting people have been misled and probably realise that now. There will be no turning back and I don’t think there will even be a deal on the framework for leaving . I think both sides want that framework in place to minimise the effects of Brexit . The problem is there is big big money that will become even bigger money when you crash out. In the Tory party money is god , the Tories are in charge of Brexit . The ordinary man who voted for it has no outlived his usefulness and is being discarded. now big money has taken control of the UK. Britain has not got a chance
On 8 Aug 2018 at 11:13pm Ex Pat wrote:
Couldn't care less buddy. Glad to be out of the wretched place.
On 9 Aug 2018 at 2:03am Fairmeadow wrote:
So that is why the metropolitan elite and the bankers were so keen on Remain!
And why Project Fear lied throughout the referendum campaign, and has continued lying ever more desperately ever since!
On 9 Aug 2018 at 6:54am jojo wrote:
The little englanders who voted for Brexit, perhaps they want cheery locals puffing horses and carts around the street, and getting heart attacks due to bloody roast beef, rotting fruit and vegetables in the , and playing of stupid english songs in the pubs. We are the laughing stock of Europe now-good luck to you all.
On 9 Aug 2018 at 7:39am Mark wrote:
I think that the most unfortunate thing about the referendum was just the timing of it. All through the campaign period there were news stories about crowded boats in the Mediterranean and Greece, Italy and Spain being flooded with migrants. The EU managed that issue for us and the people trafficking slowed. But I wonder what proportion of leave voters would be have been unable to look at map of the world and point to Libya, Syria and Romania.
On 9 Aug 2018 at 7:39am Englishman wrote:
Will the above posters and their fellow doom mongering remoaners kindly leave the country next March. And let the rest of us enjoy our new found freedom to rebuild our nation. Thank you.
On 9 Aug 2018 at 7:44am Normal person. wrote:
100 years ago people were dying on battlefields in the name of Sovereignty and freedom.
Your worried about the short to medium look of your bank balance and whether or not your Mrs is going to be able to continue shopping at Waitrose, buying humus and knitting with yoghurt.

On 9 Aug 2018 at 8:03am kinell wrote:
Brexit hasn't started yet. Terms aren't decided. Save your panicking until later.
On 9 Aug 2018 at 9:47am kinnock wrote:
well said
On 9 Aug 2018 at 9:59am Himself wrote:
Hold on. Let me fetch my tiny violin.
On 9 Aug 2018 at 10:20am Captain Obvious wrote:
Wait let me get this straight, you actually thought that all the promises were going to come true...?
No doubt you're also looking forward to Cornwall being the centre of the global Space Industry and London being the processing centre for USD?
On 9 Aug 2018 at 11:12am Jan wrote:
Brexit bad!!! Need bins clean streets need not leave Europe! Will vote remain !!!
On 9 Aug 2018 at 11:47am Local Sceptic wrote:
And of course, if UK had voted to stay in EU then all would have been sweetness and light forevermore....Yeah, right..., believe that and you're living in La-La land too.
Both sides of the Brexit debate were economical with the truth (at best), and both sides used 'scare tactics' in hope of swinging the vote their way.

Far too many people and commentators (on both sides of the Brexit discussions/media) only look at the short-term view.
The sad truth, that few in politics wish to admit, is that in the long term, given the 'global' economy is all now so interlinked, whether we are 'inside' or 'outside' the EU, then factors far beyond UK (or EU's) control may well have more influence on us all.

On 9 Aug 2018 at 12:37pm Stonemam wrote:
bet rob jones is muslim
On 9 Aug 2018 at 12:39pm I want a Unicorn wrote:
We're not leaving, EU have rejected all NI alternative solutions, backstop is untenable.
It's just a fact, good Friday trumps referendum (good Friday is legally binding, referendum isn't).
Get used to it people.

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