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On 18 May 2016 at 10:05pm Mme B wrote:
Still undecided? Watch "Brexit - the Movie" on Youtube. It should answer all your questions, but - a warning - it lasts about an hour.
On 18 May 2016 at 10:19pm Bremain wrote:
Should it?
Or is it just more Brexiter bovine scatology perhaps?
On 18 May 2016 at 10:20pm Lewes Voter 3 wrote:
Now that all opinion polls are overwhelmingly agreeing on a good margin in favour of Brexit, the decision process is virtually over. Those who want to stay 'in' ought to stay at home on voting day while they prepare to vote with their feet. We're staying put and, for the record, making a comprehensive note of all the businesses and houses showing 'in' posters.
On 18 May 2016 at 10:41pm Jeff wrote:
The Murdoch press machine and Michael Gove wants Brexit, what better reason is there to stay in?
I want to be part of a united world not some frightened up its arse island.
We need to be in it to make a difference.
On 18 May 2016 at 10:52pm Peter Perfect wrote:
I should get yourself down to the bookies then - they're offering generous odds on Brexit and lengthening. That'll be win-win for the Europhobes
On 18 May 2016 at 10:54pm Jeff has no brain wrote:
Here's the movie link, excellent.

Watch the video »
On 18 May 2016 at 11:29pm Vote Leave wrote:
For those that don`t have the time to watch the full Brexit movie ,here is the excellent shorter version.

Watch the video »
On 19 May 2016 at 12:01am local wrote:
Come on fellow Brexiters, let’s all re-mortgage our houses and bet the whole lot. And also, all the saving we’ve got, we might as well, when we Brexit it’ll be a new era of prosperity. We don’t need to save for our children’s uni fees or our old age anymore, Boris will return to us the free education and generous pensions the EU stole from us – why wouldn’t he? It’s a certainty, as above, so there’s not a single iota of risk. Come on, who’s with me?
On 19 May 2016 at 2:55am Very Brexited indeed. wrote:
There will be free beer and cheesy chips for everybody.All children will have rosy cheeks and all women will be back in the bedroom and the kitchen where they belong.Vote Leave .Its a no brainer!
On 19 May 2016 at 5:41am Bert wrote:
The Brexit people are really helping me make up my mind to vote Remain.
On 19 May 2016 at 11:03am jon wrote:
I was thinking about remain but after seeing all the nasty remain trolls posing as leavers and basically insulting people and unable to give us an argument I am out, the movie kills any remain argument dead.
On 19 May 2016 at 2:01pm Bert wrote:
I have also wondered Jon if the Brexit people on the forum are actually Remain trolls because their arguments are so weak but I actually think they are Brexiters who believe what they say.
On 19 May 2016 at 2:11pm jon wrote:
which arguments from the movie or recent posts would you class as weak as I can't see any?
On 19 May 2016 at 2:47pm Zzz.. wrote:
The whole documentary is about the need for deregulation. It's fundamentally a neoliberal infomercial, painting history through the mantra of deregulation leads to growth and regulation leads to stagnation. They tell us that the EU is over-regulated, so we need to get out - and then we will economically prosper. That's the thesis. The only problem is that they have no business/ economist backing whatsoever. Instead of interviewing CEOs of Airbus, Rolls-Royce, etc (all of which have come out for Remain), the documentary interviews just the standard clique of Nigel Lawson, Daniel Hannan, James Delingpole, Nigel Farage, etc... Politicians and right-wing journalists - with Kate Hoey thrown it.
So with an economic argument fallen flat, we're left with their wrapping of "freedom" and claims to support the little man against the Euro elite. Two problems here. Firstly, a "free" Britain could not make its "own laws" all the time when dealing in the international space. So to "go global" and make all those spiffing trade deals, there needs to be agreements on regulations. That's what the single market is. Agreed standards. Right now our governments and MEPs are elected by us and vote on cross-border agreements. If we pull out - how do we get a democratic say? We don't. And we don't gain freedoms on Brexit, we lose them. We lose freedom of movement, freedom to hire from the EU visa-free, freedoms of access to the single market, freedoms associated with the working time directive potentially, rights to cross-border care potentially. What are the freedoms these Brexiteers speak of then? It is simply their own freedom to rule this country. Little people get no more freedoms as the neoliberals roll their protections away.
Finally, they blame the EU for everything - including declining fish in the sea (which, incidentally has been a problem since bottom-trawling began some 150 years ago), even peddling the myth of the Dutch trawler that takes 25% of the UK quota (a problem of allocation at the UK government level - not the EU's diktat). They also imply that all those EU regulations that swirl around us are unique in the world. They are not. In fact, the UK has its own stunning bureaucracy and love of gold-plating of EU regulations. So why aren't they attacking that? Simple - it's a bigger ideological thing. They want us to vote leave so that they can take control and pursue their glorious economic deregulation, unshackled - because you help the little person by taking away environmental, social and health protections.
On 19 May 2016 at 7:18pm ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ wrote:
From the undue length of Zzz's post above, can we conclude that it is written by PN?
On 21 May 2016 at 10:32pm Zzz.. wrote:
You could but you'd be wrong. Do you find you are often wrong?

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