On 25 Feb 2015 at 1:49pm Britain Arise! wrote:
I`ts about time we showed that despicable Ruskie Putin who is boss by spilling some more British blood.Hip hip hooray for David Cameron.They don`t like it up em!
On 25 Feb 2015 at 2:58pm Jack Boot wrote:
Ah, nope, totally agree, lets let Putin continue to ignore the Ukrainian ballot box, and instead allow him to encourage unrest and civil war in an Independent State...
Yep, let him grab Ukraine back, then the Baltic States, he can then easily stir up old hatreds in the Balkans and walk in there too. He may find it a little harder to convince Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic etc to return to the "old ways" as they have seen the benefits of the western style society, but waving a big-enough stick at them may eventually encourage them to join him.
But hey, lets not worry, nor do anything to encourage him to stop until he's perhaps knocking on the borders of Austria and Germany..... Austria and Germany, and talk of bullies..now why does that ring a bell....
Yes it is easy to criticise a PM for deploying British troops without leading them from the front, but History shows that doing nothing in the face of a bully leads to bigger problems later on.
Facing up to him now may not be fun, and may (heaven forbid) cost British lives, but it will be even less fun, and even more costly in lives if we leave it till later...
Still, maybe if Putin turns nasty and cuts off EU's gas supply more people will start to see fracking as a more attractive option than relying on supplies from third party States run by dangerous egomainiacs... think I'll go and buy a few Quadrilla shares..... just in case...
On 25 Feb 2015 at 3:29pm Let`s bomb Russia! wrote:
"Ah, nope, totally agree, lets let Putin continue to ignore the Ukrainian ballot box, and instead allow him to encourage unrest and civil war in an Independent State..."
Forgive me J.B but wasn`t the last but one democraticaly elected Ukranian president overthrown in a coup?You do seem to have a remarkably short memory and a very monochromatic view of history which seems to consist of dubbing people you don`t like Hitler.Sadam Hussein=Hitler,Afghan Taliban=Hitler,Assad =Hitler followed by an invasion no doubt like the other wildly successful interventions we have taken part in in recent years no doubt.
On 25 Feb 2015 at 5:32pm A.Hitler wrote:
Don't talk to me about Russia
On 25 Feb 2015 at 6:00pm Bored wrote:
and yet another insane thread.
On 25 Feb 2015 at 6:09pm big man wrote:
Cameron got it wrong again .we need to work with Putin . To stop Isis . And stop going on and on about Ukraine
On 25 Feb 2015 at 7:27pm Clifford wrote:
Here it goes again. First the 'advisers' go in. Then one of them is killed, so there has to be a response. The 'advisers' become 'ground troops' ane we're in another ten year war again. Funny how when the system is in trouble the politicians looks for a war - and that goes for Putin too.
On 26 Feb 2015 at 6:58am Metatron wrote:
If you poke the bear, don't be surpriseed when he growls back. Camoron was leading the call for sanctions against Russia. At the Peace talks with Ukraine and Russia it was Germany and France brokering the talks. Britain was not there because Camoron is a warmonger and not a world Statesman. Because we are stil the USA puppet (hangover from Bliar), the rest of the world still doesn't trust us.
On 26 Feb 2015 at 9:25am Winchester wrote:
Years ago we had some leaders who knew war. Thatcher was the first in this current run of P.Ms who having not been to war bought into the glory story and used the military to further her career. Ever since we have had men who were scared to look like appeasers so have been bullied into sending us on foreign adventures. Cameron is another fake christian who was all for bombing Syria and now is sending salesmen/advisors on behalf of BAE etc to Ukraine.
On 26 Feb 2015 at 10:56am JonnyBoy wrote:
You just need to love each other man.
In fact I reckon Vlad might be up for a bit of man-love.
Dave & Vlad, lovely boys, very close to their mums too I believe, bit like Reggie & Ronnie.