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Boy Racers

On 10 Feb 2011 at 4:13pm Grumpy Ol' Git. wrote:
Is it me or are there a large number of boy/girl racers in lewes at the moment. saw the young kiddie with the matt black Corsa nearly on 2 wheels the other day. shame there is never a bobby when you need one.
On 10 Feb 2011 at 4:30pm Dickie wrote:
You get loads of them in the car park behind Waitrose (where Wenban's used to be) and have been screaming around there for years in the evening. The police have done absolutely nothing about it. Ring them up quite a few times, but they always turn up about 1hr later.
On 10 Feb 2011 at 5:58pm PagenPlant wrote:
I wouldn't ware time on them (the Feds or the boys) it's always been part of life! When I was a lad and I'm talking 35 odd years ago I could be found showing off in my Ford Anglia! Altho they are loud and proud there not really doing much harm. Perhaps less so than a middle aged man in a Mercedes or Beemer half full of g&t. They just stand out, they grow upove on and are replaced by another generation. Bless em.
On 10 Feb 2011 at 7:36pm Grumpy ol git! wrote:
Until they knock a child over! Then people will start moaning. They need to be nipped in the bud.
On 11 Feb 2011 at 5:22am lewes born and bred wrote:
The prat in the black corsa bombs up and down my road at breakneck speed and we often have kids playing out in the road. He's got himself a little girlfriend now so he seems even more keen to show off.
Ive got no problems with kids doing their motors up, i did it myself, but i never tore round narrow estate roads like a maniac.
On 11 Feb 2011 at 3:52pm Elsie wrote:
Hasn't the prat in the black corsa been mentioned on here before ? Perhaps his parents should be told that he is not mature enough to be behind the wheel of an extremely dangerous machine. Unfortunately, if that person hit someone and god forbid they do, they have no idea of the guilt they will carry the rest of their life, and the hatred people will have for them, because it will NOT have been an 'accident'.
On 11 Feb 2011 at 5:08pm Mystic Mog wrote:
The Police are more interested in easy targets like a 70 year old lady protesting outside Boots.
On 11 Feb 2011 at 6:13pm It's Coming!! wrote:
The cops have been compiling video evidence agianst the 'boy racers' mentioned in the message stream and they will soon be taking action.
It's a shame that the lads do not realise that any convictions can and probably will affect their opportunities for jobs etc for the rest of their lives!!
I appreciate that we were all did silly things once, however, if they keep this up, they will definately be in trouble.

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