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Boxing day hunt

On 26 Dec 2009 at 10:32am spongebob wrote:
can anyone please tell me what time the hunt gathers outside the White Hart today please. Thank you.
On 26 Dec 2009 at 1:07pm redcoat wrote:
11 am!
On 27 Dec 2009 at 10:28pm Lopster wrote:
although houndless it was still a moving event
On 29 Dec 2009 at 1:54pm busyherbert wrote:
Yeh! Moved to vomit .
On 29 Dec 2009 at 3:06pm Curious wrote:
Perhaps you could expand a bit on why you were 'moved to vomit' busyherbert. Seems rather a strange thing to say about a completely harmless event ??
On 29 Dec 2009 at 3:52pm Foxy Lady wrote:
Harmless? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Are you under the illusion that foxes aren't killed anymore?
On 29 Dec 2009 at 6:14pm Lopster wrote:
Foxes are killed every day - and sheep and pigs and cows and rabbits and rats and ants and spiders and gazelles and fish and chicken - what exactly is your point Foxy lady and vomiting Herbert?
On 29 Dec 2009 at 7:08pm popeye wrote:
They are not chased by morons on horseback and a pack of baying hounds.
On 29 Dec 2009 at 7:51pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
I'm not a supporter of hunting for live prey and letting the hounds rip apart a defenceless fox, but as I understand it the hunt very rarely catches foxes, it's more about the thrill of the chase. If I was a landowner I wouldn't like them churning up my fields though. The argument that hunt supporters use - that it keeps fox numbers down - is an absolute load of old tosh - it would be more efficient and humane to track them and shoot them.
On 30 Dec 2009 at 9:49am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Why weren't the hounds out? I'm glad I didn't go, I'd have been awfully disappointed.
On 30 Dec 2009 at 10:25am spongebob wrote:
Apparently, the hounds had kennel cough. I stand to be corrected though.
On 30 Dec 2009 at 11:06am Bunter wrote:
I'm a bit of a lefty but opposed the hunt ban. Even Marx's mate Engels was a keen huntsman.
On 30 Dec 2009 at 11:56am Curious wrote:
The reason for my post above Foxy lady, if you were bothered to read the previous posts properly before jumping down my neck, was that on this occasion there were NO hounds, so it is fairly obvious that it went ahead for purely traditional reasons. I have never heard of a pack of horses killing a fox after all, have you ? So again, why would this harmless event cause anyone to vomit!?
By the way, where do you stand on watching David Attenborough showing graphic images of lions killing gazelles and ripping them apart? Is the death of that animal entertainment or barbaric, or is it just OK because it is on the television and not in an English field? I know that the lions are only following their natural instincts, but so are the hounds. OK, so they are bred for this purpose, but of all of the different varieties of dogs that are bred for human convenience, I would guess that hunting hounds are probably closest in behaviour to their wild cousins. Would it therefore be cruel or kind to prevent them from behaving in their natural manner? Just a thought and not necessarily my point of view.
On 30 Dec 2009 at 12:53pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
It's a good point, Curious. I believe the RSPCA charter now includes something along the lines of animals being permitted the freedom to display natural behaviours, which hunting plainly is for hounds of all sorts, not just fox hounds.
I have terriers, and they, too, have a very strong prey drive. To stop them ratting or rabbiting would be bordering on cruel imo, not to mention well nigh impossible.
On 30 Dec 2009 at 9:01pm Foxy Lady wrote:
The law as it stands allows for only two hounds to be present when a fox is caught, so not having the hounds there would not have made any difference. The fox in most cases has normally gone to ground, but is flushed out by terriers and then shot. This is how the huntsman get round the law. I know this as I have relatives that hunt and even they do not agree that this is acceptable.And the difference with what animals do in the wild, is that they do not do it for sport. We (apparently) live in a civilised society, and to chase after and then kill a living creature purely for sport is barbaric.
On 31 Dec 2009 at 8:23am popeye wrote:
in reply to annette curtin-twitcher allowing dogs to follow their natural instinct. You try explaining that to the poor parents of children that have been mauled and even killed by certain dogs following their natural instinct. I suppose to stop that would be cruel to the animal.
On 31 Dec 2009 at 10:17am Curious wrote:
Firstly Foxy Lady, I was not referring to hunts in general when I used the word harmless, but as this particular one had no hounds. Secondly I was merely wondering where the line was between watching gazelles being killed on tv and a fox being killed in an English field. Where does 'entertainment' stop and barbarism start? I was also wondering how the hunt find a fox that has gone to ground if they have no hounds to track them? I am sure that stampeding around on horses will frighten the foxes away long before anyone sees them.
As for your argument popeye, well, if you are stupid enough to keep a fighting dog in your front room when you have a small child then what do you expect to happen??? These dogs were not bred to be pets, they were bred to fight other dogs. Would you defend people having a pet tiger loose in the house? I think not.
On 31 Dec 2009 at 12:16pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Anyone who leaves any dog unattended with small children is guilty of gross negligence imo, and all dogs need to be socialised around children.
Likewise, all children need to be taught how to behave around dogs. I never cease to be amazed at the number of children who come charging up on dogs from behind and poke them in an alarming manner, or rush up and hug them.
On 1 Jan 2010 at 3:28pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
'it would be more efficient and humane to track them and shoot them'. Well Brixtonbelle, that's exactly what happens! After a bl00dy good ride out.
On 2 Jan 2010 at 9:20pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
Well I don't speak from any experience only from what I have heard, read in papers or seen on tv. I didn't think they shot the fox - I thought it was left to the hounds. I defer to your greater knowledge, Tooth Fairy !

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