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Boris Johnson

On 10 Dec 2019 at 11:18am Hugh Janus wrote:
Boris is going to be our supreme leader so suck it up buttercups.
On 10 Dec 2019 at 11:37am nancy wrote:
If Corbyn gets in then we're all doomed.
On 10 Dec 2019 at 12:02pm dave wrote:
If Johnson stays in we’re all doomed apart from all the billionaires of course who will freely be able to feed off our misery
On 10 Dec 2019 at 1:58pm Sleeveless wrote:
Corbyn’s not the problem. It’s John McDonnell who scares the pants off me.
On 10 Dec 2019 at 2:02pm Local99 wrote:
I agree. He is clearly itching to let loose a lifetime of leftie ideals on a generally-unsuspecting UK public. Fingers crossed he won't be given the opportunity to do so, or I'll be off.
On 10 Dec 2019 at 6:40pm Green Sleeves wrote:
I think McDonnell would have made a better PM than Corbyn. He perhaps is not quite as passionate as Jezza, but he's certainly brighter and more credible. He is more confident and re-assuring than Corbyn, but then again not everyone wants to be team-leader, as rarely any Prime Minister in history walks away in better standing than when they started, so I don't blame him.

What "leftie ideals" do you have in mind? Free healthcare and tuition? Those total monsters.......and daring to suggest they'd invest in both by increasing taxes to broadly 2010 levels! Outrageous. You two truly are gullible Daily Mailers.
On 10 Dec 2019 at 7:21pm nancy wrote:
Do you think Labour should pay the going rate for nationalising industries and bankrupt the country or pay under the odds and watch pensions crash and burn?
On 10 Dec 2019 at 8:09pm Sleeveless wrote:
McDonnell not quite as passionate as Corbyn? Where have you been? He is keeping his passion carefully under wraps during this campaign, appearing as the avuncular old man instead. He did let his guard slip during an interview the other day though, before he got a signal from someone off camera to remind him where he was - he calmed down after that.
On 10 Dec 2019 at 8:16pm Local99 wrote:
greensleeves - try the marxist stuff, for starters
On 10 Dec 2019 at 8:27pm Black Sleeves wrote:
What ‘Marxist stuff’ exactly are you talking about?
On 10 Dec 2019 at 8:28pm Buzzard wrote:
HI Nancy. I'd compensate ordinary individual pension holders (up to a certain level) at the going rate. The rest - the big money - should get only what they paid for it - after all, they've been creaming off dividends for years.
On 10 Dec 2019 at 8:47pm Sleeveless wrote:
The 4 day week promise is interesting. Think of the added cost to employers? McDonnell says it will be paid for by productivity gains - but how does that work with train drivers, doctors, shop workers, bus drivers, ambulance staff, electricians, plumbers, pilots, cabin crew, delivery drivers, parking attendants, lawyers, etc?
On 10 Dec 2019 at 10:36pm DfL_in_Lewes wrote:
Everyone on here arguing against moving more to the left is right. As the last nine years have shown, carrying on as we are is the right thing to do. If the rich can manage to keep getting richer under the Tories then the rest of us should jolly well pull our socks up and try harder.
On 10 Dec 2019 at 11:23pm Basil wrote:
Sleeveless wrote: 'The 4 day week promise is interesting. Think of the added cost to employers? McDonnell says it will be paid for by productivity gains.'

How do you think the working week has been able to go down over the past century? Or have I imagined it? Do you ever wonder why you look at the world from the employers' point of view rather than the employees?
On 11 Dec 2019 at 7:19am Sleeveless wrote:
Interestingly McDonnell has just rowed back from the 4 day week promise. He has just said “Labour has never said it will introduce a 4 day week - we plan to work toward a 32 hr week as the economy allows”.
Now that is more sensible.
On 11 Dec 2019 at 12:20pm nancy wrote:
Office workers may have got a shorter working week, People in the physical trades certainly didn't
On 11 Dec 2019 at 5:56pm Hyena wrote:
Are you in the physical trades Nancy?

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