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Bonfire question

On 19 Oct 2007 at 7:21pm JobSeeker wrote:
I have to travel up to London on Nov 5th for a job interview (job actually based in Brighton). This means that for the first time in 6 years I have to travel into Lewes on Bonfire as opposed to being here in the first place. Interview finishes at 4pm so I'll get a train from London Bridge.
What are the trains like coming in on Bonfire? Never had to get one and I don't care about going back cos no need, but are the ones in ok? I will need a seat and a strong drink after my interview.
On 19 Oct 2007 at 10:00pm Lewesianne wrote:
What a bum day for an interview - your interviewer obviously doesn't have knowledge of Lewes's bonfire night and the inconvenience it may cause your travelling back. You may not stand much chance of getting a seat on the train but you could always chuck a few rookies about - that'll get 'em moving.
Good luck with your interview.

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