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On 7 Nov 2014 at 12:19am Resident wrote:
Re all this Alex Salmond nonsense , does anyone really care ? its just dragging out the whole Bonfire thing for even longer ? please let it be over soon , lots of people don't love it .... yes shock horror even people like me who've lived here all my life and yes im jolly glad my house has gone up in value so much as well thanks to all the newcomers and yes I love that people from many different places settle here and enjoy the place . and yes I expect to get completely assaulted on here by all 15 of you regular posters .
On 7 Nov 2014 at 6:48am Csbs wrote:
I agree , but its not the societies dragging it out is it , it's all the short on brain cell lack of understanding trolls , IMHO , an effigy is an effigy . A tableaux is a tableaux , and if you don't understand the difference , then maybe you are not in a position to comment , and resident thanks for your tolerance ,
On 9 Nov 2014 at 10:27am Greg Kaye wrote:
Bonfire is rich in national culture and yet is a remarkably and perhaps shockingly short lived event in comparison to, say, the Notting Hill Carnival.

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Lewes Sheep

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Oscar Wilde