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Bogus Waterboard Officials

On 18 Feb 2009 at 8:01pm Lysdexic wrote:
We've just had the police come round, warning us that there are bogus waterboard officials doing the rounds in Lewes (mainly Landport). Dial 999 if they knock on your door, or if you see anyone looking 'waterboard-ish' walking around, is the advice the police have given.
On 19 Feb 2009 at 1:27pm Waterboard Official wrote:
Dammit, we've been rumbled.
On 19 Feb 2009 at 7:19pm me wrote:
As it goes I am actually A real Waterboard worker as such. We always have ID with a photo and a phone number on the back. Check the phone number against an old bill or the phone book. Ring the phone number. It will be a dedicated water company phone line and they should be able to tell you if they have persons working in that area and who they are. Clothing with company logos and vans with company logos are not always to be trusted. Generally as a rule we always work alone but not always. always check ID if there are 2 people. Real Workers don't get upset if you check them out. Personally I get peeved when situations arise where people really should have checked my ID but didn't.
On 20 Feb 2009 at 2:41pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
A water board official complete with van visited me the other day. I saw him shove his head down a hole in the pavement and pretend to read the water meter that the idiot that lived here before me had installed.
Today I get a bill for £255.
Remove the chance of them being bogus.
Shoot 'Em all.
On 20 Feb 2009 at 6:02pm me wrote:
PhilX from Seaford? Why do you say he pretended to read the water meter?
On 20 Feb 2009 at 6:43pm The Minxorcist wrote:
I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
'A water board official complete with van visited me the other day. I saw him shove his head down a hole in the pavement and pretend to read the water meter that the idiot that lived here before me had installed.
Today I get a bill for £255.
Remove the chance of them being bogus.
Shoot 'Em all.

Fairest way of billing, I think. Nobody moans about metered gas/electric/phone bills. Every house should have a water meter.
On 20 Feb 2009 at 7:19pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
"Me". Yes PhilX from Seaford.
I said pretended because I find £255 just to supply water pretentious. Water just doesn't cost that much. It must be a hoax.
"The Minxorcist". If it is such a fair method why is it as the new owner of the property I am not allowed to revert back to the method which is based on the properties rateable value?
I confess I use a lot of water.
Being old and poor I have a 2000Ltr hot tub to support which must be kept at 38c minimum at all times in case I or "Nursey" get the sudden need to relax in it.
The water authorities are ripping me off.
On 20 Feb 2009 at 9:26pm The Minxorcist wrote:
On 20/02/2009 I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
'The water authorities are ripping me off.
Ripping you off?!! LOL How do you think I feel, in a one bed flat, being charged more than your quoted bill per year - based on the old 'property rateable value'. Now THAT'S a rip-off! And the reason why I refuse to pay my water bill until they charge me for the water I actually do use.
On 21 Feb 2009 at 12:17pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
The £255 bill is only 6 months worth, so it seems likely that I'm going to pay South East Water 510 a year to supply water.
Remember that is only to supply the water. Southern Water will bill me separately for water disposal. They'll want 90% of what I pay SE Water.
In short my yearly bill will be near to 1000.
If you don't use much water then maybe a meter is the way to go. From my perspective I dislike not being able to revert back to the old system. I don't buy the story that there is a water shortage. A shortage of investment certainly but shortage of water no.
On 21 Feb 2009 at 2:28pm me wrote:
Well PhilX you may find £255 a little pretentious just to supply water. But you really don't need to be "shooting them all". Not a clever thing to be putting on a open forum joking or otherwise. All the other gripes and moans are irrelevant. Thats life get used to it. I'd be inclined to unscrew your NRV plug if it was me you accosted with that attitude. See how high your water bill goes then!
On 21 Feb 2009 at 2:51pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
As you say it's an open forum so if I choose to use the wordage "shoot 'Em all" in the context of what preceeded it that's fine.
Likewise, If I feel that a private company is ripping me off I am entitled to express that opinion.
Where you obtain your view about it not being a clever thing to do I can't imagine.... but get over it.

On 21 Feb 2009 at 5:52pm me wrote:
Yawn. It's clearly the guy's fault, repairing the burst main in the pouring rain when you have no water and are whinging. Might just want to think about that next time you want to shoot em all. I guess they may be inclined to work a little slower knowing what high esteem you hold them in.
On 22 Feb 2009 at 2:32pm I dont live in Lewes anymore wrote:
I have no sympathy for the guy down the hole and for my part he can work as slowly as he likes. He isnt doing me a favour and isnt there for my benefit.
He's there because hes getting paid to be there, and hes getting paid to be there because of the end result, increased profits resulting in a bigger earner for greedy Water Authority shareholders.
Im sure if he chooses to work very slowly he will soon be replaced by a sub contactor... such is the way of profit.
ME As a consumer I have no choice, the Water Authorities are a monopoly and like other monopolies are able to exploit their status.
The only regulation is by that well know toothless quango OFWAT (OFTWAT?).
None of us can live without clean water yet 2009 finds families who, according to Her Majesty's Right Royal Government, are in what is termed "water poverty".
Families with young children who are frightened to turn on a tap... sounds like the third world but no, its in England.
So "Mr Water Board worker as such" ... lift your eyes above the ground, shake the monkey of your back and direct your sarcasm upwards towards the Water Authority fat cats and it grabby shareholders.
Is it time for my assisted spa Nursey ? ?? ???

On 22 Feb 2009 at 2:44pm Lopster wrote:
Contender for post of the month if not year so far there Phil - just 'cos you seem to be batting this one on your own don't think that others don't agree with you - have my support for all you've said in this thread...so far...
On 23 Feb 2009 at 10:09pm me wrote:
again yawn. so you've got a beef with fatcats. Still isn't the fault of the guy who has to come to your house on christmas day and repair your main because it has burst. And yet you seem to think it is.
On 24 Feb 2009 at 10:45am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
No sympathy for the bloke who kindly mends my main on Xmas day. As previous, he isn't doing me a favour.
If he doesn't like his job then quit it and get a new one.
It's not about being good to me or my welfare.
If the Water Board fail to supply me water then they don't make profit.
If I think I get a bad deal I can't change companies. SE Water supply my water (they are a supply company only and don't deal with waste water). Southern Water (who both supply and deal with wastewater) deal with my wastewater.
Southern Water charge their customers 20% less to supply water than SE Water charges me.
My water isn't 20% better (tastes horrid is full of chalk and I drink bottled) so why am I forced to pay 20% more???
It's a rip off.
Water shoud be free and nationalised, it's an essential part of life and not a luxury item to be profited from.

On 1 Mar 2009 at 4:21pm me wrote:
YAWN. take gripes that you can do nothing about to someone who really gives a toss.
If he doesn't like his job then quit it and get a new one.
yeah its that easy.!!!!!!!
he isn't doing me a favour
hahahahahahahaha. I'll tell him that. I'm sure he will be well chuffed
Water shoud be free and nationalised, it's an essential part of life and not a luxury item to be profited from.
I don't disagree. welcome to capitalist britain. Burn the one eyed scottish twat
Still isn't the poor sod working on christmas day because he needs the job to feed his family.

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