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Bloody monks

On 3 Nov 2013 at 3:28pm Henry VIII wrote:
Thought I'd have another moan about those decadent, arrogant, overmighty monks, who keep messing with my mojo and forget who is the really Daddy of the Church of England.
Divine right and Supreme Ruler.
Read it and weep, tonsorial boys.
Look - first on my list is that motley crew down at the Priory Ruins. Even though I've smashed up their monastry, nicked all their money and used all their flint for ruddy, silly, little twittens, they still seem to march around the town like they own the place. Even walking past that little Barratt home that I had to give my ex-wife.
Man, she was fugly.
Apparently, I forgot to bust up the monks toilets and they even invited a band of travelling gentlemen musicians to play their lutes and dulcimers this summer.
I am so very, very cross that I might have to eat a quail inside a pigeon inside a grouse inside a partridge etc.
Only the King can eat swan, y'know.
Ha! Peasants.
BTW, watch out for my daughter Mary, she's completely nutty.
Hmm. Still a bit frisky. Any hot aristo totty out there?
On 3 Nov 2013 at 5:18pm Piles queen wrote:
You didn't mention their habits, especially the dirty ones!

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