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Blair & Cameron et al.

On 18 Apr 2012 at 1:26pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
Taking inspiration from the national service discussion and particularly the wisdom of someone else, any thoughts on the following?
The Blair,Cameron, Bush Obama "neo-con" project does seem to involve lots of death and war.
Question: Were 911 & 7/7 "false flag" operations or not?
On 18 Apr 2012 at 1:43pm someone else wrote:
Oh lord, don't take a fool like me for inspiration!

But I've never believed 9/11 conspiracy theories for a minute. I think you have to start with primary cause - ie 'For what reason would the US govt blow up the WTC?'. And then the only thing you could say would be, 'In order to justify starting a war, or wars'. And then you say, 'Well, the US doesn't usually seem to shy about starting wars, so why on Earth would they go to such an effort this time?'

And post Bradley Manning, I find it impossible to believe that any operation on such a scale could ever be kept secret.
On 18 Apr 2012 at 2:03pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
I don't really watch the news or read the papers anymore so I have to get my inspiration from somewhere!
Your right, it does seem incredible that such events could in part, or completely staged by the powers that be.
However, the reason for doing such things could run a little deeper that simply starting wars. Creating the right conditions for a one world/one currency/one party government in the future is the big goal for these people. No more elections, continuous war, 1984 etc etc etc.
Some might say I'm paranoid, but they're just out to get me too!
On 18 Apr 2012 at 4:32pm bastian wrote:
It has been known for governments to intervene in some way in order to either change public opinion or start a conflict to get their way. Take the industrial action of the 1970s, if any of you have read spy catcher you will know that one of the reasons it was banned by Maggie was that it contained the information that the conservative government was behind the initial stirring that made the strikes grow in order to get Wilson out of governement and to discredit the unions for ever.It took an ex spy in Austailia to publish that.
Not to mention Churchill and Pearl harbour.( not so much devious as cunning in order to get a reluctant America into the war)
On 18 Apr 2012 at 9:54pm expat two wrote:
The conspiracy is in the minor details - Bush's family connection with the Bin Ladens for example, the routinely ignored intelligence leading to the event, the foreign policies that inspired the act itself - these are what the govts have lied and misled people over.
You're right about the inevitability of conspiricies being leaked though, Blair and Campbell failed to keep any of their machiavellian warmongery from being outed. Or maybe they did, what else is there we don't know about?
On 19 Apr 2012 at 12:21pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
You so right expat two. Its the detail that gives the game away.
Check out the Blair governments official report into the 7/7 bombings.
They asserted that the bombers were on the 07.40 train from Luton to London. That train was cancelled on 7/7.
No CCTV footage of any of the bombers in London that day has ever been released. Why not?
On 7/7, a private company, Visor Consultants, had been contracted by the government and was running an exercise based around an emergency response to bombs on the underground at the same stations where the real events began to unfold. That seems an extraordinary coincidence.
Those are the kind of details that make me question our own governments role in the events of that day.
On 19 Apr 2012 at 1:20pm Cliffe Hanger wrote:
Oh come on Cheeky Monkey. I think you have been surfing too many nutty conspiracy theory websites.
They certainly have released footage of at least one of the bombers in London on the day. I remember seeing it in the papers at the time. A quick bit of Googling turned up this shot of the Tavistock Square bomber buying a new battery for his failed device from Boots at London Kings Cross:

Check it out here »
On 19 Apr 2012 at 3:24pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
Your probably right about me surfing too many nutty conspiracy theory websites!
Consider this though, there is no footage that has ever been shown.
Still images but no CCTV footage. As London and the UK is covered from every angle by cameras, it is strange that none has ever been shown to the public of the bombers on that day.
On 19 Apr 2012 at 3:40pm bastian wrote:
and we only have their word that the men depicted are the bombers...god knows in Britain we can only read parts of our own history 50 years after the event..100 if it's really dodgey.. so i also don't think we have a right to condem the chinese government for blocking its people from reading the truth.
On 19 Apr 2012 at 5:25pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
The government have released 4 separate pieces of CCTV footage, dated 28th June 2005, appearing to show three of the four "bombers" engaged in a "dummy run" for the attacks of 7th July 2005.
The police have stated, on record, that they went through recordings from over 5,000 CCTV camera's looking for evidence of the 4 bombers.
They say they have found that evidence but do not plan to show the public.
On the 21st July 2005, there was a much reported repeat attack on London by another group who turned out not to have any bombs.
As a result of this "attack", 43 people were arrested and questioned.
No one has ever been arrested or questioned in connection with the July 7th bombings.

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