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Bin Men again!

On 20 Apr 2017 at 4:08pm Stig wrote:
Last week the bin men came to the end of my road and turned around without collecting anything. This week, my collection is due tomorrow (a day late as advertised by LDC) but I find they came today. Presumably they are planning to have an "easy day" tomorrow.
On 20 Apr 2017 at 7:55pm Reality wrote:
I believe they were planning a piss up in a brewery...but got the wrong day. Oh well
On 21 Apr 2017 at 3:26pm crumb wrote:
They threw a crisp packet and a can that someone had left on my bin on the pavement saying " if you cant be effing bothered to put it in a bag I'm
not effing taking it". such amazing service.
On 21 Apr 2017 at 4:47pm Dusty Binfilled wrote:
Please don't knock our wonderful bin men and women. They do a thankless job under ever increasing pressure. We should be shouting at their bosses who put them under such strain rather than taking a swipe at the boots on the ground. We'd all be completely f~~~~~ed without them.
On 21 Apr 2017 at 4:57pm Ahem.... wrote:
There are a lot of overworked people, doctors for example. If your doctor had the attitude of the average bin man just because they were busy, you would not be so forgiving I don't suppose.
I leave my bin at the side of the entrance to my drive to make it easy for them. I don't see why being busy means I have to find it on its side, blocking my drive, and the lid elsewhere when I get home. Same goes for the recycling collection. I have another broken box because they just chuck them about. The lid disappeared months ago. Previously I have arrived home in he dark, not seen the black box that has been slung into my drive, and reversed over it causing considerable damage to my car. Whatever happened to having pride on your work and respect for your customers. It doesn't cost you anything. Before I get a torrent of abuse, I am fully aware that not all of the bin men/collectors have this attitude.
On 21 Apr 2017 at 5:55pm Dusty Binfilled wrote:
Sadly, pride in the job, conscientiousness and courtesy , by neccesity, went out of the window when "more for less" targets and privatisation came in.
On 21 Apr 2017 at 9:02pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Why not arrange for the binmen to work a four day week; Tues. to Fri? This would largely solve the bank holiday problem, as half of them are Mondays.

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