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Bike on train to london

On 3 Jun 2015 at 10:02am Grafter wrote:
Wondered if anyone knows the likelihood of me being able to take my bike from Lewes to Victoria stn. I would be going after rush hour but do I still need to book it or is it just impossible now there are no guards vans?
On 3 Jun 2015 at 10:17am biker wrote:
I take my bike on the train but not in rush hour
On 3 Jun 2015 at 10:55am Escalator wrote:
There's usually a carriage for bicycles & wheelchairs, but it only takes up to 3 bicycles. If I remember rightly you can't take a bicycle before 9.30am & between 5pm - 7pm you can't.
In London you have to allow for the escalators they can be tricky too.
On 3 Jun 2015 at 11:09am A Person wrote:
Isn't there a difference between carrying folding bikes and full-sized ones too? In terms of when they're allowed, I mean? (Which reminds me: I have a folding cycle in the shed which hasn't been used for several years!)
On 3 Jun 2015 at 12:29pm Grafter wrote:
This is specifically about non-folding adult bike on services after 9.30am . I just need advice from someone who has done it recently at least once from Lewes to Victoria specifically.
On 3 Jun 2015 at 12:37pm Dougal wrote:
From the cycle policy on the Southern website:
During peak periods, many of our services are extremely busy, therefore regular (non-folding) cycles cannot be carried on many of our services during these times. Fully folding cycles are welcome on our trains at any time and we ask that these are fully folded and carried before going through the gateline.
The following restrictions apply:
Our peak cycle restrictions are shown on the map below. Regular (non-folding) cycles cannot be carried:
On services due to arrive into London/Brighton or Kensington Olympia (the Red zones) between 07:00 and 10:00 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
On services due to depart from London/Brighton or Kensington Olympia (the Red zones) between 16:00 – 19:00 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Regular cycles may be carried at any time on services for journeys made wholly within the Green zone.

Check it out here »
On 3 Jun 2015 at 12:55pm Mavis wrote:
Well done Dougal, I would have Googled it too if I'd wanted to know something like that, or even asked at the station ticket office.
On 3 Jun 2015 at 1:30pm Grafter wrote:
Thanks for your replies. Really thanks. I have all this information already though that's why I am asking because sometimes a policy can appear in print but when you turn up you find out three cyclists have got on earlier and there is no room or you need to book some days and not others. That's why I was hoping to hear from somebody who does it regularly. They would know how likely it was , that's all. Thanks again I hope it wasn't too much trouble.
On 3 Jun 2015 at 1:39pm Red Buttocked cyclist wrote:
Well said Grafter, good use of the forum and thankyou to Dougal. All useful stuff.
On 3 Jun 2015 at 2:25pm JillG wrote:
Hello Grafter - yes, I take my bike to Victoria sometimes, and within the restrictions described by Dougal it's been fine - maybe one or max two other bikes. I expect you know, but look for the doors with the red edges; the bike-space is next to the loo. Do watch out for the 4-7pm return restriction, though.
On 3 Jun 2015 at 3:09pm Occasional commuter wrote:
Shame they don't enforce the no non-folding bikes btween 4pm and 7pm though, have often been faced with a sweaty "Mr Lycra" and his greasy/sharp-edged non-folding bike forcing his way into standard Souther carriages on an already crowded homeward bound commuter train :-( .
I have no problems with commuters taking bikes on trains so long as there is space for them, and the riders are considerate of other p[assengers, and I fully accept that three bike spaces per "bike friendly carriage" is probably far from sufficient space, but when a "Mr Lycra" simply forces his trusty steed into the faces of standing passengers (in a standard passenger carriage) of on an already packed train then he does give cyclist-commuters a bad name/reputation.

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