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Best and worst service

On 10 Sep 2016 at 10:38am Allan wrote:
Just had a sad experience in Bills, really slow service, a bit of an attitude and just general not great. Really disappointed. The best service is actually in Tescos, always lovely and chatty people.
On 10 Sep 2016 at 11:08am Horseman7 wrote:
2 bests in the last week: Orange Badge, Lewes and Wyevale, Brighton. Knowledgeable, friendly, helpful staff. Plus tea and Hobnobs at OB.
On 10 Sep 2016 at 2:08pm cooksbridge wrote:
the worst service,attitude,and quality has to be the Rainbow Inn Cooksbridge, in the last year it has gone down hill massively.
On 10 Sep 2016 at 3:57pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
Caffè Nero is pretty awful. They take ages to do anything.
On 10 Sep 2016 at 6:58pm Shirley Knott wrote:
Thought we'd treat my visiting mother in law to the Bill's Experience last Wedneseday. We were going for the no expense spared and all the trimmings, midday, Notting Hill, lunch. Sadly we got dour, surly staff and a twenty five minute wait to be served. Decided to up sticks and try elsewhere. Welcomed with open arms in the Snowdrop. Superb food, wonderful coffee and friendly staff. Such a contrast.
On 10 Sep 2016 at 11:26pm Southstreeter wrote:
If Slowest counts as worst then The Pelham Arms ... Again ! Gave it another try but no need to for a third attempt .
On 11 Sep 2016 at 9:43am Clifford wrote:
Agree with you Shirley: Snowdrop always good, The Bill's Chain not worth the wait.
On 11 Sep 2016 at 10:39am Diner wrote:
Green Man Ringmer. You could grow a beard waiting to be served there.
On 11 Sep 2016 at 12:11pm Adele wrote:
The corporate men in suits have altered the Bills brand completely now, and not for the better. Meanwhile Bill is laughing all the way to the bank. Presumably hes done his earnout stint now and has left them to it. We wont go anymore.
On 11 Sep 2016 at 3:50pm jessrae wrote:
The worst service and meal for me lately was at Shelley's.They tried to seat us at a table set up in the bar.We insisted on the restaurant,the waiter was heard swearing coming out of the kitchen.The food was atrocious ,I had handfuls of capers thrown on the two dishes that I had ordered.I asked if they had been a job lot.Wound up walking out and just paying for a glass of wine.Never again !
On 11 Sep 2016 at 10:45pm Robbie wrote:
The worst service I've had recently definitely has to be the Roebuck in Laughton, I believe it's owned by the same people that own the snowdrop. We went up there eapecially to visit it and I have to say the middle aged woman behind the bar made us feel less than welcome, it seems than two coffees for £10 was not really worthy of her time. Shall not be rushing back. Best service was at a garage in hollingbury, RJ Engineering, more work needed than I thought but due to the unexpected work they charged me less on the labour, very nice surprise.
On 11 Sep 2016 at 11:41pm Meldrew wrote:
Years ago, the White Hart took some beating for crap service and menu.
I took a prospective ladyfriend there for a meal. It was some Italian dish on the menu - veg? What else but Brussel sprouts. A very forgettable night out.
As for Bill's, what do you expect? This is the "Sir" James Dyson of "chic" local eating. Too big to bother about quality control. Billy Cotton more like.
On 12 Sep 2016 at 2:22pm HeathClifford wrote:
Oh COME ON, it's obvious!
The worst service in Lewes is at the Costa Coffee at Tesco. Massively busy, yet they have a brand-new shiny coffee machine behind the till that must have cost thousands but which they never use, no matter how long the queue.
Nice friendly staff but managed by morons.
On 12 Sep 2016 at 5:02pm Apple wrote:
brewers arms and the snowdrop for best service. Never had a bad experience at either place. Decent food and drink, decent prices and happy, helpful staff. In contrast, yet to have a good experience at bills anywhere in the country. They rely on having a recognisable brand and enticing menu. The service is terrible at all their branches.
On 12 Sep 2016 at 9:41pm Sidney wrote:
I think the staff at La Porte can be a bit rude and sometimes cold. Best service must be at Ask, so lovely and friendly.
On 13 Sep 2016 at 7:23am Harbour wrote:
Best service I got was @ Malling garage - self service. Coffee was reasonable out of the machine.

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