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Best Coffee Shop

On 28 Jan 2016 at 11:56pm Realist wrote:
I appreciate its subjective but which are the best coffee shops in town? Anyone who suggests Costa Coffee or Cafe Nero will get a thumbs down.
On 29 Jan 2016 at 5:14am Tom Thumb wrote:
What is wrong with Nero? It is comfortable, busy, has wifi and opens long hours. They are British and seem to be decent employers, given the reasonable slow staff turnover.
Their coffee is ok (I take mine black, which I believe makes me more susceptible to bad coffee than the flavoured hot milk brigade).
Bill's outside is good (cue whinging about the pavement).
Independent outlets- I like the needlemakers, laportes and the runaway, I would be fed up if that went homogenous.
And I don't look at the thumbs, this is a forum, where words and arguments are the important thing. Imagine this was an actual forum- would we be paying attention to the speakers, or watching the people on the fringes trying to decide which way up to hold their thumbs?
On 29 Jan 2016 at 8:38am Caffeinated wrote:
Im a little bit out of touch with the coffee shops in lewes these days having moved down the road from lewes recently but i always found the coffee at the cafe at the Needlemakers excellent, however i understand things have changed a bit now and that the Managers have moved on to their own enterprise which i wish them all the best with.
On 29 Jan 2016 at 11:09am LTLR wrote:
You can get a very good coffee at Robson's on School hill.
On 29 Jan 2016 at 1:03pm Bean Thinking wrote:
The best coffee in town is from Ground. Espresso to think about all morning. (This is of course different to the best coffee shop since I don't sit in.)
I'm confused by Runaway being mentioned above: their 'coffee' is not from a real machine!
On 29 Jan 2016 at 1:37pm vera wrote:
do Nero's pay their taxes?
On 29 Jan 2016 at 1:58pm Mo wrote:
Do Costas pay their taxes? I try and support local independent businesses if I can
On 29 Jan 2016 at 2:27pm Historian wrote:
Neros have NEVER paid UK corporation tax EVER !
On 29 Jan 2016 at 2:31pm Mavis wrote:
Talking of tax, if we all pulled together, we could boycott Boots and closed it down, it would make a fabulous Poundshop !! Large enough and in the right spot. Come everyone. As we know Boots don't pay their fair share of tax either. Old MR Boots would be spinning in his grave !
On 29 Jan 2016 at 2:50pm Mr. Boot wrote:
And my shop - therefore Boots. We chose to drop the ' unlike Mr. Sainsbury who kept theirs. Sainsbury's
On 29 Jan 2016 at 3:31pm ducatipete wrote:
Who the hell cares. Every where you go people are drinking this foul liquid. You see them driving carsand shopping, they probably have sex drinking the stuff. This forum used to ask what is the best pub, chip shop etc. No longer. Bunch of w...ers the lot of them.
On 29 Jan 2016 at 4:37pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
Caffe Nero doesn't pay its taxes, so even if the 'baristas' weren't painfully slow at dealing with queues, I still wouldn't go there. I had a lovely coffee in the Needlemakers the other day, so that's going to be my first port of call.
On 29 Jan 2016 at 5:43pm Caffeine Addict wrote:
Needlemakers, Ground, and the Hearth's hatch at the bottom of the bus station. I've also had decent coffees from the new bakery, the Flint Owl and Lewesiana.
Caffe Nero's coffee is pretty horrible to be honest and is easily outranked by the above. And the queue always seems enormous. Although overall it's not a place to be for a while.
On 29 Jan 2016 at 5:45pm Caffeine Addict wrote:
I meant "not a bad place to be" in the above.
Costa are part of Whitbread which whatever else they may do does appear to pay its way
On 29 Jan 2016 at 9:43pm Reality wrote:
Monmouth coffee from LeMagasin, different league to all of the above
On 29 Jan 2016 at 10:09pm Clifford wrote:
It was fascinating how this country changed from a tea-drinking one to a coffee-drinking one. The power of advertising? Foreign holidays? Whatever the answer, one of the worst places for coffee is the United States.
On 29 Jan 2016 at 10:42pm Coffee lover wrote:
Ducatipete what's your problem eh? Coffee has been popular on and off in this country since the 17th Century when coffee houses were banned in London for inciting social unrest.. If you want to turn the clock back to some 1950s idyll move to the Isle of Wight or somewhere. Pubs in Lewes are not great unless you are a man anyway and over 50 per cent of the population is female. But each to their own I guess, just don't think it's your way or the highway.
On 30 Jan 2016 at 12:09pm Bongo wrote:
Best coffee is the stuff I make at home, freshly filtered via a paper cone at the right temperature, sweetened with dark brown sugar. Bliss!
On 30 Jan 2016 at 12:24pm Richard wrote:
How is LeMagasin these days? Haven't been there since new ownership which is probably longer than I care to think.
On 30 Jan 2016 at 1:42pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
I love the Runaway, but I agree that their coffee isn't great. On the other hand, if Caffè Nero took over the franchise, we'd have missed two trains by the time we got served.
On 30 Jan 2016 at 2:59pm Ali wrote:
I agree with Bongo; the last three coffees I've had at The Runaway have been so dreadful that I now make the coffee exactly as I want it at home, bung it in a flask, and have an hour to relax and drink it on the train. By the time I get to London I've consumed enough caffeine to last me for the day.
On 31 Jan 2016 at 12:14am Lopalooza wrote:
Haven't tried Ground yet but Flint Owl on the hill there did an excellent coffee the last time I went in there. Wasn't expecting anything special but it was so nice I thought it only fair to tell the guy who made it how good it was.
On 31 Jan 2016 at 10:56pm Caffeine Addict wrote:
Clifford - coffee drinking precedes tea drinking in England by several centuries. Tea was a Victorian thing related to the empire and specifically India. See the link below - I believe there were several coffee houses in Lewes which influenced Tom Paine etc

Check it out here »

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