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Baxters Field

On 26 Jun 2015 at 12:27am Local wrote:
Any truth in the rumour that Baxters Field group are facing legal challenges from a local estate agent ?
On 26 Jun 2015 at 7:25pm lewesian wrote:
In a word, yes...
On 27 Jun 2015 at 11:21am Nosey wrote:
Tell us more!
On 27 Jun 2015 at 12:37pm Local wrote:
All I know is that Baxters Field is potentially under threat. I'm not going to name the estate agent
On 27 Jun 2015 at 2:16pm lewesian wrote:
Without going into too much detail, the said estate agent lives in a house bordering on Baxters Field and believes he has right of access to the field via a garden gate. The Baxters Field group quite rightly dispute this.
On 27 Jun 2015 at 2:44pm Oak tree wrote:
I don't think it should be allowed , but would it really be a big problem , or am I just sitting on his fence
On 27 Jun 2015 at 2:47pm Kissing gate wrote:
Maybe a gate is not so bad , we could all go for a quick dip in the pool , I can see this going in the ice cream direction , I think he should let it go before he puts a spanner in his own works ,
On 27 Jun 2015 at 3:39pm Baxter's Field Company wrote:
In response to these recent postings, the Directors/Trustees of Baxter's Field Company thought it might be helpful for readers if we signposted you towards our website and the Boundary Q&A that is posted on it. This might answer a number of questions that have been raised. This can be found under the Notice Board itself.

Check it out here »
On 27 Jun 2015 at 4:16pm lewesian wrote:
Thankyou Baxter's Field Company - this link seems to explain it all without naming names. Good luck to you!
On 27 Jun 2015 at 5:41pm A Person wrote:
Interesting that the estate agent isn't named.

What is the threat, exactly? Is that said estate agent might annexe the field?
On 27 Jun 2015 at 9:24pm Baxter's Field Company wrote:
A number of the points that have been raised so far are either covered in the Boundary Q&A or in the 2015 Annual Report, both of which can be found on our website under the Notice Board itself. If anyone has any specific issues and/or concerns, please could we ask that you email these to the Directors/Trustees in confidence at [email protected]. Thank you.
On 27 Jun 2015 at 10:59pm Tipex wrote:
Seriously? This is a thread which initially suggests baxters field is under threat, but turns out to be about whether 1 person can or can't access it from their garden?? It's not like it's a quiet news day!!
On 28 Jun 2015 at 1:13pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
From reading the report, it seems that the owners of 4 properties are claiming a right of way from the northern boundary of the field to the gate in Paddock Lane.
They must want to use it as a short cut to somewhere!
On 28 Jun 2015 at 1:48pm localbod wrote:
I am curious to know if any of these properties contributed to the Community fund that bought the field?
On 28 Jun 2015 at 2:20pm A Person wrote:
That was all I could glean, ACT. What I couldn't figure out was why this is such a huge problem that lawyers (and their big pay-packets) should be involved to sort it out? I also wonder why the name of the estate agent involved had to kept a secret.
On 28 Jun 2015 at 2:30pm A certain class of wrote:
person thinks they have rights that they do not ! maybe they lunch with lions unlike us plebs who ate @ Joe Lyons or worked there as nippies.
On 28 Jun 2015 at 11:52pm Local wrote:
It's bullying tactics of a small local charity by the four properties, making Baxters field enter a legal fight that is a massive financial drain on the groups resources.
If there is a right of way through the four properties to the field I hope they are prepared for people traipsing through their gardens from The Avenue. Neither bungalow that occupied the site of the four new properties ever had right of access to Baxters.
On 29 Jun 2015 at 6:55am Well you know estate wrote:
agents - an end of terrace becomes a semi detached, 2 bungalows become 4 houses etc. Surely the deeds of the properties have any rights of access laid out.
On 29 Jun 2015 at 8:02am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Have I got this right? A previous owner of a property on the Avenue MAY have had right of way or access and the new owners of properties that have subsequently been built there think that that right has passed to them on the purchase of their properties.
That's quite an interesting legal conundrum imo. I wonder if the former assistant county secretary reads this forum? He's got years of experience in rights of way matters, lives locally and is very public spirited. If he has the time and inclination, he could be a great help to the Baxter's Field Company.
On 29 Jun 2015 at 1:22pm baxterssoup wrote:
The more community minded amongst us will be pleased to know that the same people who saved this space for eveyone's benefit are the same people who voted to ensure that this silly nonsense should be challenged. It is a shame that residents already enjoying the benefit of their neighbours generosity do not feel the need to be a little more generous themselves.

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