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Barney is back!!!!

On 30 Jun 2009 at 5:56pm Daniel wrote:
Just to let you all know Barney is back. We found him this morning in his old house in Isfield.
Were now keeping him in for 4 weeks.
Thank you!!!
On 30 Jun 2009 at 8:21pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Very pleased to hear a second happy ending. As you probably have seen, the couple in Nevill have had a happy reunion. Great news
On 30 Jun 2009 at 9:19pm Pussycat Willum. wrote:
Good news all round then.Very glad to hear it.
On 1 Jul 2009 at 11:22am jonnyboy wrote:
Great news. I was told to butter my cat's paws when I moved, which I did, and she calmly licked off the butter and made no attempt to run. A little research on the net reveals many people claiming this to be a myth and many claiming that it works. I find it amazing how some cats will travel huge distances to find their old homes. Built in Cat Nav I guess.
On 3 Jul 2009 at 8:11am amanda wrote:
HI DANIEL, so pleased your cat is back,keeping ours in to.so nice to have them home,i wish you all the best,and barney.x

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