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Barking dog

On 15 Jul 2015 at 10:38am Uya wrote:
Please could who ever lets their dog out at 8.15 every morning in the Chapel Hill/South st area have some consideration for your neighbours? Its constant barking for 20 minutes in the garden is extremely annoying. How about taking it for a walk ???
On 15 Jul 2015 at 11:31am Old Bloke wrote:
How about moaning a bit less
You might also like to consider the very slight chance of your post being read by the wog owner - considering it's a tiny fraction of the Lewes population that come on here
On 15 Jul 2015 at 12:48pm Ooh Yah wrote:
Webbo delete immediately it may be a typo but..........OldBloke go to specsavers.You got a thumbs down for not proofreading.
On 15 Jul 2015 at 3:32pm Old Bloke wrote:
Oh dear
On 15 Jul 2015 at 7:51pm Tipex wrote:
Interesting to see what words old bloke uses regularly for it to appear in his predictive text at all...
On 15 Jul 2015 at 8:23pm Mrs Twine wrote:
I have often felt that what Old Bloke really needs is a good old-fashioned smackbottom. I nominate Clifford to do the deed.
On the other hand, he is contrary enough to enjoy it. Alas!
On 15 Jul 2015 at 9:22pm YOLO wrote:
Luckily Old Bloke wasnt intending to write 'digger'
On 15 Jul 2015 at 11:31pm Woof wrote:
This is very passive aggressive. Why not just go and talk to the person whose dog is being annoying? More honest forthright but level headed communication needed between people, it's called building your community.
On 16 Jul 2015 at 10:54am Celine wrote:
My experience of asking people not to let their dog bark constantly has been that they are very aggressive about it. I fear anyone who is insensitive to allow it to happen in the first place isn't going to be sensitive to other people's feelings about it! After all it is sheer laziness on the part of the dog owner not to take it for a walk and / or to train it properly.
On 16 Jul 2015 at 6:18pm Uya wrote:
I would talk to the owners if I knew where they lived - but it's not an immediate neighbour so would have to knock on about 30 doors to find them. Maybe a friendly note through the letterboxes of Chapel Hill and South st ? The dog just needs training. I think it's just let I to the garden for its morning poop and then barks madly to be let back in for about 20 minutes. Regular as a clock at 8.15 every morning.... Yes, not madly early, just very annoying. If I played loud music over the neighbourhood at that time every day for 20 minutes I'm sure someone would very rapidly be banging on my door .....
On 16 Jul 2015 at 6:22pm Celine wrote:
Yes, too lazy to walk it and probably don't want it in the house while they're having breakfast.

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