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Barcombe Mills Road this morning

On 7 Feb 2014 at 2:00pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
Hopefully all are OK after this mornings rescue at Barcombe Mills.
I saw an ambulance, police, fire engine, fire hiab-type vehicle and an inshore lifeboat all there today.
Its a valuable lesson to all of us not to take a risk at this spot even if we think we have local knowledge and a vehicle capable of fording deep water.
I have been through in the past and had water coming through the door shuts when I thought it was passable. Scary sh*t man!
On 7 Feb 2014 at 2:12pm Deelite 2 wrote:
Ah, missed that one then. That'll be at least the fourth car to have got stuck in the floods there this winter. Divots.

The Anchor Inn has flooded 5 times this year by my reckoning. That has to be a record. In all the time I've lived in Barcombe I only ever remember it flooding once a year, and not even that most years.

Note to self: Remember not to head back home up the A26 today.
On 7 Feb 2014 at 3:08pm Sjep76 wrote:
The car was only a Fiat 500 and it was a father and 2 children. They were rescued and are ok thankfully. How stupid are some people, especially in a small car like that!!!
On 7 Feb 2014 at 5:05pm Canoeman wrote:
From the position of the car it looks like it was trying to turn round. If it had kept going the bow wave might have kept the engine dry. Its hard to see how trying to go along that road can be life threatening so I think it's useful to keep it in perspective. Even if the car can't go you just get out and wade as it will not flow across the road. It was deeper this afternoon than I've ever seen it before however. Good luck Lewes if we get more rain.

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