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Barclays Bank

On 5 Jul 2018 at 12:46pm judith learmount brooks wrote:
Wonder what is happening to the Bank for sale notices outside Flats v Wetherspoons ?
On 5 Jul 2018 at 1:28pm Property Boom wrote:
The freehold is for sale. The bank has a lease which can't be terminated for around 3 or 4 years, so nothing will happen very soon. I suspect the bank will close down or move to a more appropriate property. The freeholder will likely seek a change of use to residential / commercial mix. It's a lot of property for not a lot of money, but it has complex join with The Crown. In an ideal world they would all be converted into 3 fantastic big town houses, much like the other ex offices on School Hill.
On 5 Jul 2018 at 4:08pm Really? wrote:
@Property Boom - Maybe in the 'ideal world' of yet another bunch of Londoners moving to Lewes buying up premises that were once businesses, but not in the ideal world of locals who need to work for a living.
Did I bite?
On 5 Jul 2018 at 4:33pm Shopman wrote:
Increasing percentage of all retail sales and banking online. It's inevitable that more bank and retail premises will become homes or offices. Bring it on. I don't miss the shopping experience or going into a bank one bit.
On 5 Jul 2018 at 4:44pm Property Boom wrote:
@really, thats a fair point, Im not sure how many locals barclays employs, but Im piety sure there are non in the Crown. Surely itt would be better for the overcrowded town centre if there were three large houses with a handful of occupants and a few extra cars rather than dozens of new flats (out of the reach of locals anyway), and dozens of extra cars with no realistic new parking options. None of the flats would be in any way realistically 'affordable' in a high profile site such as that. Of course in a perfect world they would be nice local shops employing locals, but with rent and rates at an all time high, it would most likely be more chain outlets and bars. Whilst they would potentially employ local people, it would be at the expense of the character of the town and the bars that we already have. I wasn't looking for a bite, I was trying to make a sincere point about the changing face of Lewes and its demographic. Preferring less traffic, less overcrowding and expensive apartments out of the reach of locals. The DFL argument is lost. They are here and they wont be going anywhere else until they can find another town, just over one hour from London in which they can buy a large period house for the price of a one bed London flat.....Peace.
On 5 Jul 2018 at 5:14pm The Gardener wrote:
Just to put a perspective on the DFL thing. I moved here because I couldn’t afford to live in my town-Chelsea.I was priced out by DFRs (down from Russia),. I would dearly love to still be in Chelsea, but instead, I’m in Lewes because that’s all I can afford.
On 5 Jul 2018 at 5:46pm Hmmmmm wrote:
Alot of places cheaper than lewes closer to London
On 5 Jul 2018 at 6:23pm Really? wrote:
And of course nothing to do with greedy locals / born-in-breeds taking advantage of rising local property prices and pricing out their off-spring at the same time! It's the system stupid, not ordinary people, whether from London, Lewes or elsewhere. All you're doing when you perpetuate this DFL myth, is letting the real culprits off the hook - the elite - classic divide and rule tactics. Things will never change until you Daily Tory reading numpties wake up and acknowledge what's going down, instead of blaming the masses.
On 5 Jul 2018 at 6:36pm The Gardener wrote:
Hmmm I think you’re missing the point. Yes I could afford Heathfield, Hailsham, Hastings, Hassocks etc . You go for the best place you can afford unless you’re a bit odd.
On 5 Jul 2018 at 7:46pm Sussex Drinker wrote:
There is an excellent Wetherspoons in Hailsham. It must be only a matter of time before we have one in Lewes.
On 5 Jul 2018 at 8:23pm James wrote:
The salesman in banks I feel are far to pushy. Probably those big bonus they all get greedy sods. Online banking and self service works for me.
On 5 Jul 2018 at 8:58pm Feline wrote:
@Gardener. I too have been priced out of my home town, Richmond in SW London, by DFR, and it's the best thing because I absolutely adore Lewes! Looking forward to 5th November!
On 5 Jul 2018 at 10:32pm Mover and Shaker wrote:
I moved to Brighton from Islington in the noughties, made a packet then moved to Lewes and am sitting on a 25% increase. Happy days and early retirement!
There’s always Newhaven for you old Lewes bods
On 5 Jul 2018 at 11:41pm Property Boner... wrote:
You can all sit in the Lewes Arms telling everyone how smart and successful you are, but we all know you are still sleeping on your parents sofa.
On 6 Jul 2018 at 7:58am Rural person wrote:
Two thoughts, first you need good internet speed to do online banking and that is not provided where I live, so transactions crash as out of time. Second, don't you listen to the news! Yesterday, 200,000 people either could not or had massive problems going ,yes, from Lewes and elsewhere , to work! Admittedly thought by the BBC too trivial to mention during the day. So I don't see how any person whose family are dependent on a salary from a London based business could take the risk or accelerating costs of travel by moving here.
On 6 Jul 2018 at 10:37am Clifford wrote:
Rural person wrote: 'I don't see how any person whose family are dependent on a salary from a London based business could take the risk or accelerating costs of travel by moving here.'

And yet they still do. Have you wondered why the DFLs are abused so regularly on here?
On 6 Jul 2018 at 10:40am Mrs p wrote:
I think you’ll find there are enough Dfls on this forum these days that we can hold our own :-)
On 6 Jul 2018 at 11:38am Back to topic wrote:
If LDC planners act as they have they may only give permission for a restaurant on the ground floor. General retail is not on LDC agenda anymore just look at empty outlets elsewhere in Lewes that are designated as eating places. There is a need for a policy change ASAP. Don’t kill Lewes for shoppers.
On 6 Jul 2018 at 10:51pm Vanhoose wrote:
Million and a half ££s for both buildings - bargain !!
On 7 Jul 2018 at 12:56pm Tyzar Flat wrote:
HMO Flats
On 7 Jul 2018 at 4:43pm White van man wrote:
Van Whose Tyres Are Flat !

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