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Bank Holiday parking

On 1 Jan 2012 at 7:26pm High Dudgeon wrote:
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that in trying to find out online whether a guest needs to use a parking permit on street tomorrow (Monday 2nd), East Sussex County Council and the Parking Shop give no clue at all (or it's fiendishly well hidden) and the ESCC link to Lewes District Council helpfully gives details for Christmas/New Year 2010/11. Bang goes my New Year resolution about not being cynical about the parking cash cow!
On 1 Jan 2012 at 7:39pm Southover Queen wrote:
I'd work on the basis that they do, High Dudgeon. Certainly the Pay and Display bays operate on Bank Holidays, so I imagine the respark and mixed use bays do as well.
On 1 Jan 2012 at 8:24pm bongo wrote:
Get your guest to park outside the parking zone, and go collect them.
On 2 Jan 2012 at 2:07am Super gran wrote:
Your car will only get vandalised if parked anywhere in side lewes, such is the epidemic sweaping our streets
On 2 Jan 2012 at 5:40am onewhoknows wrote:
The answer is Yes. At present bank holiday parking must be paid for. In the new scheme of things it is to be hoped that Bank Holidays will be free. Certainly that is what the ESCC intends, subject to LDC agreeing as far as the car parks go. This time next year, then, if all goes well, Bank Holidays will not be charged for: but for now, it's pay you must.

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