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Baker still on fence.

On 27 Aug 2013 at 6:39pm Baker climate undertaker wrote:
When will Baker come off the fence?

Check it out here »
On 27 Aug 2013 at 7:02pm The Fat Controller wrote:
He's a Glib Dem - i.e. Never!
On 27 Aug 2013 at 8:49pm normans wisdom wrote:
On 27 Aug 2013 at 9:20pm Ray of Sunshine wrote:
Don`t you ever get tired of beings Norman`s bitch?
On 27 Aug 2013 at 10:44pm normans wisdom wrote:
Don't you ever get tired of picking on easy targets?
On 28 Aug 2013 at 12:53am Ray of Sunshine. wrote:
What target you or him?He' s a traitor and a fraud and you're his fawning creature. I don't know who is worse.But I'll have a pop at either of you,on behalf of the disabled,the poor,the young without jobs,the rackets that we call the utilities and the privatisation of the health service,the bedroom tax and his tacit support for fracking. The man and his party are worse than cockroaches,and so are you.
On 28 Aug 2013 at 11:45pm normans wisdom wrote:
Getting a bit tetchy are you? First sign of desperation. Give it up. You have no argument.
On 29 Aug 2013 at 2:47am Norman is TOAST wrote:
Norman is toast come the next election and you'll have to find some other dog fur to hide in you parasite.
On 29 Aug 2013 at 7:45am The Fat Controller wrote:
Still no for or against statement from Lewes MP Norman Baker on Fracking in Balcombe (and wherever else is planned for that matter).
On 29 Aug 2013 at 9:26am normans wisdom wrote:
Normans toast is yet another who realises they have no valid argument and resorts to insults.
On 30 Aug 2013 at 5:18pm Baker is toast. wrote:
Now we find that Baker has voted in favour of bombing the Syrians back to the stone age,sorry I meant "clinical air strikes",Do you really think that the people of Lewes are going to vote for an unprincipled turd like Baker again?
On 30 Aug 2013 at 11:31pm Red Ken wrote:
Probably not. They will vote for an inept, corrupt, self serving, nest feathering, moral-less, cheating, lying Tory instead.
On 31 Aug 2013 at 2:15am Mark my words wrote:
After the Syria debacle,fracking, falling house prices, ukip gnawing away at them, the Tories will not win Lewes and district. The libdem scare tactics will not work again.The Greens will narrowly squeak in, with a strong showing by Labour.

On 31 Aug 2013 at 6:33pm The Fat Controller wrote:
The Greens will not win in Lewes for many many years. They only got 729 votes in the 2010 General Election. For the Greens be able to get tens of thousands of votes is almost impossible. The Greens have made such a hash of Brighton with loads of egomaniac Cllrs in-fighting heading towards internal mediation. The LibDems will keep wheeling Baker out until he loses his seat and using their 'Its a two horse race' BS until the polar ice caps melt. The Nasty Party will take a hit from UKIP and neither will win. Sadly the LibDems are likely to win again and Labour will not be strong enough to overtake the Tories and LibDems.

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