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Baby years

On 20 Apr 2018 at 8:17pm Pollyanna wrote:
Can you remember your children's baby years? My kids are only in primary school and I already cannot remember when they were babies/infants.
This upsets me.
Is it just me? Why can't I remember?!
On 20 Apr 2018 at 9:04pm Earl of Lewess wrote:
I found the first year of my children's lives so stressful, exhausting and tedious, I'm glad I can't remember much. It was a combination of sleep deprivation and worrying that they were going to die. Horrible. I don't know why people get so soppy about babies. It's much better when you can talk to them and they let you sleep for more than four hours.
On 21 Apr 2018 at 4:54pm Infinitygirl wrote:
As someone in the midst of the first year, I can confirm that the trauma is so acute that I am thankful to know it will be conveniently blocked from memory like a proper trauma should be. I honestly can’t remeber things like how old I am, names of certain types of food items, what I walk into rooms for (that one was coming anyway), what year it is, why I walked all the way to a certain place, when I last washed my hair etc. I’ve not slept for over a year (inc pregnancy). So not suprising it’s forgotten.
On 25 Apr 2018 at 11:34pm Belle wrote:
Take lots of photos and write a diary of the day with any endearing incidents to help you look back. It does get easier. And to any new Mums struggling to get sleep - my advice is to let yourself sleep when your baby does at first - forget the washing up or tidying. And then do your best to get them into a strict sleep routine, day and night. Naps morning and afternoon. Life gets much easier once babies feel secure and sleep properly.

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hey good one more
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
Thomas Paine