On 27 Apr 2010 at 6:17pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I was surprised when I got my ballot paper (yes, vote early, vote often - that's my motto) to see that we are graced with not one, but two, right-wing nutjob candidates.
While I find the prospect of racists and xenophobes desperately trying to decide which extremist loon to vote for amusing, I'm wondering which party is likely to lose out most to these two parties.
While it's entirely likely that the more extreme Tory supporter might well vote for one or other, is the Labour vote likely to suffer? It's traditionally rooted in the working classes, and in areas like Burnley and Barking has made quite big inroads into the Labour vote. Could there even be Norman supporters who believe what the Daily Mail says about Europe and vote for UKIP?
On 27 Apr 2010 at 6:57pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
If the Labour vote suffers (in Lewes), do you really think anyone will notice? Apart from the brixton whinger I can't think of anyone stupid enough to vote for them.
On 27 Apr 2010 at 7:28pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
Cant understand how a former RAF veteran is standing for the BNP given what his colleagues flew and fought against in WW2. I guess he's forgotten the Battle of Britain and the fact we were fighting the NAZIS, Shameful.
On 27 Apr 2010 at 8:10pm NutJob wrote:
I don't have LOVE and HATE tats on my hands, does this mean I cannot vote for BNP?
I am also educated so I suppose they don't want me...I am white tho and can promise I never spoken to one of those darkie chappies.
On 28 Apr 2010 at 8:10am The Super K wrote:
Bit unfair to class UKIP in with the BNP!!!!
On 28 Apr 2010 at 8:57am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I don't think it is. UKIP have a different primary objective but both are right-wing and xenophobic.
That Farage bloke is funny though. I wonder if he's on drugs? Whenever I see him he always has a crazed manic grin.
On 28 Apr 2010 at 2:33pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
As opposed to the charm and wit of the current PM??
On 28 Apr 2010 at 4:19pm j.p wrote:
vote U.K.I.P
On 28 Apr 2010 at 6:42pm Chav wrote:
No, vote I.K.I.P.Y.O.U.W.O.R.K.
On 28 Apr 2010 at 8:37pm Lopster wrote:
Hrajoke Kokorakiarmpit wants cycle lanes throughout Lewes!!!! - and ski-tows too I hope - T.W.A.T.
Also wants to change the name of the constituency - P.E.N.I.S.
where do these people come from? what basis for serious campaigning are those ideals?
Vote ME!!! (no NOT Martin)
On 28 Apr 2010 at 9:30pm Image Consultant wrote:
I like the Labour leaflet, with Hrajoke on the front slouching, hands in pockets, in need of a shave. Scruffy tw@t.
On 29 Apr 2010 at 7:50am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Chav, you crack me up!
Why aren't you standing? Couldn't you get a crisis loan for the £500 deposit?
On 29 Apr 2010 at 8:28pm The Super K wrote:
OMG Annette Your one of those tree huggers.. the sort of Gordon Brown lover, that dismisses anyone that has a view on Immigration as a Racist or BIGGOT :p
You need to grow up a little and smell the roses,
FYI the Human rights act ISNT the greatst thing since sliced bread.... OH YEAH... and its alright to be against Immigrants coming over here and taking BRITISH jobs... DEY TUCK OU JIIIIIBS
You only have to look at the latest advert for Slovina on TV.. The average wage over there is 430 Euros.... OF COURSE THEY WILL COME TO CUSHIE ENGLAND we'll give them more than that for NOT WORKING here!!!! let alone when they pick up some cash in hand work and REALLY screw the system!!!
Now NO, i dont think EVERY jonny forigner is like that..but the sooner you wake up and admit there IS a problem, the sooner our Society can improve and move on...
BUT DONT CALL PEOPLE xenophobic just cause your so far detatched for REAL society that you dont agree with them...
I once voted UKIP cause I didnt want Billions of our Tax money (I say 'our'.. but hugging trees doesnt pay much so you prolly arent affected by this!) given to French farmers for NOT growing crops.... Yet in your eyes I must be a Racist, xenophobic!!!!!!
Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!!
UKIP same as BNP..... ROFL!!!!!
On 3 May 2010 at 2:54pm nasher wrote:
Come on UKIP - we all know you're Tories who have lost your way (to Europe) so stop flogging a dead horse and vote Tory.
nb. Vote Orange, get Brown!