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B+B in Lewes

On 12 Jul 2012 at 10:08am Melanie wrote:
Hi - can anyone recommend a cheapish (max £50 per night) bed and breakfast in Lewes?
On 12 Jul 2012 at 10:59am B&B landlady wrote:
Melanie, is this for one person or two? How many nights? At what time of the year?

The going rate for B&B in Lewes is probably about £55 for a single person and £80+ for a double per night. In the summer it can be really hard to find anywhere at all at any price, particularly over weekends - Saturday nights are like gold-dust.

The length of stay matters - it's much less work to accommodate someone for several nights than it is for one, and you might be able to negotiate a special rate. But in the middle of the summer (even this summer!) I think you might do better to make an informal arrangement with a normal householder (if you see what I mean)!

On 12 Jul 2012 at 12:03pm Melanie wrote:
It is only for 1 night - on the 27th of July, for 2 people. I do realise it wont be easy to find seeing that its mid-summer. Any help would be appreciated!
On 12 Jul 2012 at 3:24pm Sussex Scribbler wrote:
Try The Dorset - they have one double room that's a bit cheaper than the others because it's a bit smaller. Otherwise there's a B&B leaflet you can pick up in some of the local shops.
On 12 Jul 2012 at 5:48pm B&B landlady wrote:
I'd be a bit surprised if any of the usual B&B providers could help at that price - it's nearly half the going rate and the 27th is a weekend night as well. Many B&Bs won't even take single night bookings over weekends at the full rate because demand is so high.

The B&B leaflet is produced by www.lewesbandb.co.uk of which I am a member, and I think the cheapest you'll find any of those operators offering is something like £75 a night.

To be honest, I think you'll draw a blank through the usual channels. How about contacting the universities and seeing if they have rooms in their halls to rent out? Or how about the youth hostel in Telscombe? Or just post a message asking whether there is someone who is willing to let your friends use a room in their house for the night?
On 12 Jul 2012 at 7:08pm Rods Tiger wrote:
You could always ask in the Tourist Information Office. They sometimes have very special deals with the hotels.
On 12 Jul 2012 at 10:37pm brixtonbelle wrote:
We stayed a few years ago in a great house in chiddingly - abt 15 min drive away. it cost us 90 for a family suite - two interconnecting rooms with bathroom. Suggest you try the villages outside Lewes, they will be cheaper, or even in brighton. The Dorset is good value.
On 13 Jul 2012 at 1:11pm B&B landlady wrote:
I honestly doubt that any B&B operator in Lewes would be able to offer accommodation at that price on a single Friday night. I'm not being mean or greedy: for many of us that would represent an actual loss. As it happens I don't have any Friday night availability until late September, and I'd be amazed if that weren't the case with all the operators including the Dorset (whose prices are on a direct par with the rest of us).

BB's right in that B&Bs in outlying villages are often cheaper but I still think that £50 for a single Friday night is going to be very difficult. Outside Lewes I'd try Eastbourne rather than Brighton - there's likely to be more availability there. That's why I think some lateral thinking will help! How about trying www.airbnb.com? Or www.couchsurfing.org?
On 13 Jul 2012 at 3:48pm Melanie wrote:
Its is for 2 nights now. I do not think hostel accommodation will work because it is for a mid thirties married couple visiting from The Netherlands. They really loved Lewes when visited previously, and was hoping to find budget accommodation (they styed with me previously, but I have a full house that weekend), which by the looks of it they wont find.
Thank you for your advice
On 13 Jul 2012 at 7:09pm brixtonbelle wrote:
why don't they try the youth hostel in alfriston ? it's in a lovely position and you might be lucky, they do do private rooms now, although it's still bunk beds I believe. alternatively some friends paid £90 for a room at the ram in firle, but availability in high summer might be an issue. I think there is a b and b in offham that also does holiday cottages - that may work out cheaper for a couple of nights ?
chiddingly hxxp://www.halefarmhouse.co.uk/
ram inn hxxp://www.raminn.co.uk/rooms/
alfriston yha hxxp://www.yha.org.uk/hostel/alfriston
Good Luck
On 16 Jul 2012 at 10:41am Melanie wrote:
Thank you for your help Brixtonbelle!

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