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Auditions for 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

On 14 Mar 2012 at 8:52pm Meriel wrote:
Lewes Community Theatre relaunches this summer with a beautiful outdoor production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the romantic ruins of Lewes Priory.
Auditions will take place on the 27th (6-7 pm) and 29th April (2-4 pm) at the Priory itself (entrance through Cockshut Lane or Mountfield Rd).
Performances will be on the 6th-8th July and rehearsals will be on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons.
All proceeds from the performances will be donated to local charities (previous charities have included St. Peter and St. James Hospice and the Pestalozzi International Village Trust.)
Lewes Community Theatre is famous for previous productions of "Dick Whittington - n Lewes!", "Alice Through the Looking Glass" and "A Christmas Carol" nd the original production of the Dream in July 2006 at the Lewes New School.

Drama teacher and community theatre director, Meriel Whale is behind the show:
We are looking for actors, dancers, singers and musicians aged 7 to adult, but we also would love people to get involved backstage, with front of house and with designing and making set, props and costumes. Lewes Community Theatre is a fun and friendly organisation and we particularly welcome those who are new to theatre. Being involved in the show will be hard work, but it will also be lots of fun.
For more information, contact Meriel Whale on email [email protected].
It is important that people register for the auditions with a phone number and email address so that they can be contacted with a wet weather venue if necessary.
On 15 Mar 2012 at 11:43am Paul Newman wrote:
Its a Tits and Ass show basically ( Tits was Titanias nick name at school) ....with a few fairies thrown in.
On 15 Mar 2012 at 1:16pm Paul Newman wrote:
,,....Why, that's my dainty Muriel! I shall miss thee;
But yet thou shalt have freedom. So, so, so.......
Tempest( almost)

On 15 Mar 2012 at 1:18pm DFL wrote:
Why don't you audition for Bottom Paul ? or one of the rude mechanicals ?
On 15 Mar 2012 at 3:15pm Paul Newman wrote:
Puck off
On 15 Mar 2012 at 3:17pm Paul Newman wrote:
...sorry ..Puck off-stage and on is a central figure and I have often thought that woud be my role DFL
On 15 Mar 2012 at 8:57pm Meriel wrote:

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Thomas Paine