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Attend a professional theatrical event...

On 8 Oct 2007 at 8:56am Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
... or alternatively, come along to the Barcombe Players astonishing production of 'Hay Fever' this week. Twenties clothes! Cigarette holders! Witty repartee! And that's just the audience.
Thursday 11th, Friday 12th and Saturday 13th October in Barcombe Village Hall from 7.45pm.
Tickets from the village shop or on the door are fiver for adults, 3 quid for kids and senior citizen discount on Thursday night (can't remember but think the discounted ticket price is 3 quid also).
On 8 Oct 2007 at 10:48pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Cigarette holders? I doubt that lit cigarettes shall adorn them.
On 8 Oct 2007 at 10:55pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Ah ha! We've got cunningly convincing pretend ciggies that puff smoke. No expense spared in the search for authenticity in Barcombe
On 9 Oct 2007 at 8:28am Alison Chilvers wrote:
Is the play suitable for children?
On 9 Oct 2007 at 10:48am Miss Demeanor wrote:
It certainly sounds suitable for children - they have pretend puffing ciggies! Mind you, I suppose children want the real thing!!!
On 9 Oct 2007 at 12:42pm Winterbourne Wanderers wrote:
Well as long as these are children old enough to stay up till 10pm, then yes, definitely it's fine for kids. There's no swearing and no sex (only a little bit of flirting and kissing), so actually on second thoughts perhaps kids won't be interested in it...! It is very funny with lots of misunderstandings etc. Basically a terrible family all invite guests for the weekend and then behave outrageously.
On 9 Oct 2007 at 9:36pm lopster wrote:
Any songs? - I like a good band - having said that I might just wait for the DVD, unless there's a bar?...
On 9 Oct 2007 at 10:16pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
The Royal Oak's just over the road for interval drinks (or drinks throughout the second act if you don't like the first one)
On 9 Oct 2007 at 10:22pm lopster wrote:
you rat!! you've just bust my attempt to have the last entry on EVERY thread on the forum - oh no you haven't - I must say you're making the theatrics sound more appealing by the minute...
On 9 Oct 2007 at 11:00pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Sorry, couldn't resist doing it again lopster. But last one tonight, so if you leave another one I won't be able to trump it.
Well what else can I tell you to convince you to attend 'Hay Fever'?
1. You can count how many prompts we take (suggest bringing a calculator or mathematically minded friend to make this easier)
2. You get a free cuppa tea and biccie in the interval if you can't be bothered to go the pub
3. You can see me swanning about in nice beaded black 1920s frock delivering lines such as 'This haddock's disgusting' (as long as I don't forget the line, obviously)
All for a fiver! It's got to be a bargain.
On 12 Oct 2007 at 8:43am Alison Chilvers wrote:
Just to say that I went to this last night with my 13 year old and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. A really good entertaining evening, well done Barcombe Players!
On 21 Oct 2007 at 9:10am Aidedygen wrote:
Can aynyone tell me where I can find good tires fo my car??
I live in New York.

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