On 13 Sep 2008 at 9:34am Lauren wrote:
Had a great time out last night in the Rainbow, more so because i got to meet the famous SOTP, Lewesianne, FA and Lopster. SOTP and Lewesianne i really enjoyed chatting with you both, it's funny but i felt that i had known you both for so long. FA, your a scream, just as i imagined you, so funny and witty. Lopster, i can now see were lewesianne was'nt sure if you were a man or woman because of your very kind and caring nature, something you dont usually see in a man. I hope we can do it again as it was a great night.
On 13 Sep 2008 at 10:36am CROSS wrote:
I am surprised that any of you lot managed to make to the Rainbow without your incontinent pants bursting. Pubs are for us young people, you lot have the working mans club or the Darby and Joan. And by the way I am nice to my dealer.
On 13 Sep 2008 at 10:56am Lewesianne wrote:
It was a brilliant evening and it was lovely to meet everyone! Spinster I knew already and we all know she's an angel (with hidden agendas!!) Lopster is such a gentleman and Lauren, it was a pleasure......you are not the same woman with whom I had to fight to get my parking space all those years ago!!! Small world! FA, you crack me up! Certainly the life and soul and not as horrid as you make out you are! And I'm sure that quiet man in the middle was the Webmaster in denial.
Thanks for all turning up. it was a very enjoyable night.
On 13 Sep 2008 at 1:37pm Mr Tumble wrote:
CROSS, I heard that you like to sit up the St Marys Social club, playing dominoes on a friday night.
On 13 Sep 2008 at 8:29pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
I have felt very happy today as I met four wonderful human beings last night - FA, Lauren, Lewesian and Lopster.
Thanks for a lovely evening (and thanks for not turning up with pitchforks!).
On 13 Sep 2008 at 8:36pm Old Git. wrote:
Im gonna puke soon.
On 13 Sep 2008 at 8:39pm juju wrote:
See SPOTP you think you have us all fooled into thinking you are big, bad and nasty, but we all know better your a PUSSY CAT, purrrrrrrrrrrr.
On 13 Sep 2008 at 8:43pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Pussy cat?
Why couldn't you say that to my face?!!!
On 13 Sep 2008 at 8:43pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
On 13 Sep 2008 at 9:11pm juju wrote:
Ok, sorry, your a little yorkshire terrier puppy, grrrrrrr
On 14 Sep 2008 at 1:10am Avidfan wrote:
What a bunch of smug, self congratulatory people you are. Anonymity is a key component of forums like this (before the 'what films do you like' boring brigade took over). You cannot now discuss certain issues as you now know the ID of certain users. This will cloud your opinion. You may as well ring each other for a chat. And you wonder why the DFLs p1ss themselves laughing at you? Oh well, I'm off to Costa for a latte with Northern Bigot.
On 14 Sep 2008 at 6:16am FA wrote:
Awwww...didn't you get an invite Avidfan....LMFAO
On 14 Sep 2008 at 9:04am Lewesianne wrote:
Avid Fan! We had a laugh that's all - something called FUN! You must be a really boring person.
On 14 Sep 2008 at 11:31am zola wrote:
Avidfan,the chatroom does not stop you from posting seriously does it? Just don't use it then! It is a welcome part of the forum and I suspect it will have a few regulars,me being one of them...But it is a bit of fun...And I HATE chatrooms,and Facebook,My Space etc,but I really like this one.Everyone is welcome,and it is a lot of fun!
Why don't you give it a go sometime?
On 15 Sep 2008 at 12:10am lopster wrote:
hear hear zola - I too hate the chat room scene - I recently tried facebook but it is toooo revealing - trying to set up a little anonymity with my next account but in fact chatting to locals is sooo cool
On 15 Sep 2008 at 9:57am zola wrote:
I recently decided to get rid of Facebook forever.I had every privacy button possible firmly pressed,hardly ever used it,and just think it is far too 'open' for me.I don't put my E mail address on either....I have nothing whatsoever to hide,but I just value my privacy.
So I went through the rather lengthy process of cancelling,and 'Do you want to delete your Facebook account' came up.Yes.'Are you absolutely sure you want to delete your Facebook account...' YES!!!
A few weeks later I regretted this,as I needed to reach someone,and I logged in to reinstate my account.
It was all still there.Ok,it was not 'public' anymore,but all my 'transactions' were still there.I was gobsmacked.
I have been 'online' for about 16 months.I was always a bit phobic about learning about computers and have never shown any interest in them.I am quite pleased at how far I have got.But from the word go I was careful about the various boxes I ticked on the many registration forms I have filled in.I do not want spam mail in my junk box or through my letterbox or cold callers on the phone....It has almost worked as I just get a few 'lottery wins' and a few dodgy bank E mails.
Last week on BBC 3 I saw a programme about various ways computers fraudsters work and interestingly about 'E mail address harvesting'.
Seems companys can pay a small sum of money and purchase E mail addresses.Possibly ours.
I have even heard that our government sells them...But I don't know if that is true.The programme ended with a financial expert giving us a list of ways to avoid being stung by fraudsters.
1.Never EVER put your bank or credit card details online.
2.If you have a car,don't put it in your name.
3.Do not go for a contract phone,go pay as you go...
There were a few more but those stuck in my mind.
I do not drive,and have a pay as you go phone.But I do buy on E Bay,and have a Paypal account.I also shop online at Tescos.And I think I am careful....
The guy ended the programme by saying that you often need to be educated to a degree standard to decipher the terms and conditions that a lot of us tick without reading.
I don't always read them...Do you?
This programme is available for a few more days on the BBC I player should you wish to watch it.
I have all the right protection on my computer and I still don't feel safe...Shame isn't it.
Chatroom? I LOVE it,and I'm not sure why.And please don't feel that the few regulars swamp it.Come on in,say Hello.You can always leave.Zola.Xx