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Assange - deport or not?

On 17 Aug 2012 at 10:57am Tel wrote:
Now this will be interesting.
On 17 Aug 2012 at 12:22pm bornandbred wrote:
He sites his fears of being sent to America from Sweden as his reason for not wanting to return. Whether these fears are well founded or not - he is looking increasingly more guilty with this running (in my humble opinion!)
On 17 Aug 2012 at 2:25pm Old Cynic wrote:
Frankly, I don't care - perhaps someone should enlighten me about why I should?
On 17 Aug 2012 at 2:44pm Pete wrote:
Given that we have freedom of speech and information, just what is America's problem ? Leave the man alone. As for the UK stepping inside the Equador Embassy, well, that's a no no which ever way you look at it....
On 17 Aug 2012 at 3:26pm padster wrote:
On 17 Aug 2012 at 3:48pm Tel wrote:
It looks like 2-1 against at the moment.
On 17 Aug 2012 at 9:44pm The Super K wrote:
NOT... He has offered to be interview by Swedish prosecutors over in England, and they turned him down, he has offered to fly to Sweden to answer the charges, but asked for assurances that he WOULD NOT be extradited to America, Sweden refused to give those assurance. While deciding his fate the Ecuadorian government again offered Sweden both alternatives, they again refused them.
The man is not a terrorist and should not be treated as one. The claims of â??rapeâ?? have already been downgraded by the Swedish prosecutors to sexual assault (granted still not great) but they have refused the usual evidence that the UK ask for in these matters.
Regardless, what happens, he will never see trial in Sweden, Its either Ecudor or America for him.... and as our hands are as bloody as the yanks.... America!
3 - 1
On 18 Aug 2012 at 2:20am bloke wrote:
After hearing what locally-based Guardian journalist Nick Davies had to say about Assange I'm inclined to think that he's not someone who's word should be trusted.
On 20 Aug 2012 at 1:19pm Judge Judy wrote:
Good luck to the feller I say. I hope he ends up somewhere safe although I suspect he will end up having a freak "accident" wherever he goes.
On 21 Aug 2012 at 1:53pm nosa renda wrote:
Deport him and get all those plod out doing the job we pay them for /////
On 22 Aug 2012 at 5:13am sidharth wrote:
Give him a safe passage

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