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Ashcombe roundabout

On 21 Mar 2017 at 2:13pm Anonymous wrote:
This morning I saw roadworks signs on the a27 near the roundabout eastbound, so hopefully when roadworks are complete, the lights should be back on. Without them serious or even fatal accidents are very likely to happen. Traffic on the a27 approach the roundabout far too fast without the lights!!!
On 21 Mar 2017 at 2:18pm The Forum Nutter wrote:
I spent 10 years driving from Lewes to Sussex uni and back....without traffic lights and without killing anyone..
On 21 Mar 2017 at 3:05pm lewes man wrote:
Please keep the light off . Drivers who are fining it hard to look right then a check left . need to re seat there driving test
On 21 Mar 2017 at 3:18pm Penguin wrote:
The biggest problem at the moment is where there were lights to stop people coming from Kingston, or coming off the bypass to turn right into Lewes. Some people are still stopping and waiting for gaps in the traffic coming from Brighton, and others (who may not have know that they were there before) carry straight on round as you would on any other roundabout.
Drivers coming from Brighton don't know what to do either - should stop for these people, or shoot straight across as there is no red light to stop them. It's chaos at times. Add to this the old problem of drivers not knowing what lane they should be in even though they are marked, and it can only be a matter of time before there is a nasty accident.
On 21 Mar 2017 at 3:39pm bobobob wrote:
Without lights it's great going certain ways at certain times compared to when there are lights.
But when there are/were no lights it becomes horrible getting out of Lewes or Kingston on that roundabout if my memory is any good. Nice little slip road would go down a treat
On 21 Mar 2017 at 3:51pm Highwayman wrote:
As The Forum Nutter says, this roundabout had no lights at all when it was first built. If it is to revert to that state, what is needed, though, is a proper set of signs (Give Way, etc) and new road markings. Consideration for the needs of pedestrians and cyclists also needs to be given before a decision is taken.
On 21 Mar 2017 at 3:58pm A Person wrote:
And I wonder what the traffic volume was then...

The lights are needed because people drive like idiots and the traffic lights do at least slow them down. And also because the number of cars using that junction will have swelled by a considerable number.
On 21 Mar 2017 at 4:30pm The Forum Nutter wrote:
Well I wasn't on a penny farthing.
On 21 Mar 2017 at 4:35pm Another B and B lady wrote:
Well little miss fluffy has just written to me sayin g that she is doing everything to get the lights back. Like she is doing everything to stop the rail strikes and get Southern to work properly. We may be waiting a long time. Not sure her voice carries much weight in Parliament ....
On 21 Mar 2017 at 4:51pm Belladonna wrote:
Maria Cackhand has sent me this. No doubt she will claim the reinstatement of the lights as a great victory.

"As you may already be aware, the traffic lights at the Ashcombe Roundabout on the A27 between Kingston and Lewes have been broken for a number of weeks now following an accident. I appreciate this is causing significant concern among many local residents who have justified concerns over both road and pedestrian safety.

I have been in touch with both the contractors Aone+ and Highways England themselves. There have already been several unacceptable delays to sourcing and repairing the traffic lights, as a full replacement was deemed to be necessary, due to the extent of the damage. This apparently including requiring the production and programming of specific parts. An interim set of temporary traffic lights was initially installed that did allow for pedestrian use, but this drew considerable safety concerns and was then removed by the contractor as it was thought to be more dangerous than to have none at all.

Please be assured I have passed on my gravest concerns about safety and have asked that this be treated as the highest priority, which I have been assured it is. I will be sure to follow this up until it is fully resolved.

Please take care if you use this roundabout in the meantime.

Best wishes,


Maria Caulfield MP
Member of Parliament for Lewes
House of Commons,
London, SW1A 0AA

On 21 Mar 2017 at 5:35pm The Forum Nutter wrote:
Why the aggro towards her? Is she supposed to buy and install them herself? She seems to have done her best so far. She's an MP not a magician.
On 21 Mar 2017 at 6:18pm Sussex Born and Bred wrote:
One of the problems is that the roundabout is not very "curved" (for want of a better word) so that drivers approaching from Brighton or Eastbourne directions can do so at speed compared to other roundabouts thus making it difficult for people coming out of the Lewes or Kingston turn offs. perhaps the lights could be reinstalled as part time traffic signals i.e. on during peak periods only .This seems to work with other roundabouts elsewhere...
On 21 Mar 2017 at 6:18pm Southstreeter wrote:
There are times when the lights seem unnecessary but greatly needed at others , would it not be possible to have a set of lights that are in operation during both rush hours and off during less busy times ? especially during evening and night time hours when normal unlit roundabout rules would apply .
On 21 Mar 2017 at 10:06pm Adele wrote:
I blame over population, it causes all sorts of problems !!
On 23 Mar 2017 at 10:09pm Frankie wrote:
The biggest problem I've found is the confusion of the signage. As I approached from Brighton yesterday it had a big sign saying that the traffic lights are not in use, but as I approached the traffic lights they were on green, so I was unsure whether I had right of way and the sign was wrong, or whether the sign was right and I should ignore the green light!

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