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Are you the white van given a stupid ticket today

On 8 Nov 2008 at 5:22pm Warden Watcher wrote:
I photographed a warden giving a ticket today to a van this evening, carefully parked on the ends of 3 bays, renedered half useless for over a year because the council demolished a wall without permission and got involved in a legal dispute. The warden was determined to give the van a ticket on the grounds that it 'wasn't parked within a marked pay' He didn't give a ticket to the scaffolding stopping us all using the rest of the spaces. The area where the van was parked is designated parking, and the van was not causing a problem to anyone. in fact by parking in the space it was leaving other space free.. If it is yours and you would like further info, let me know.
V905 SJB
On 9 Nov 2008 at 6:37pm P.A no.?? wrote:
have u got nothing better to do??
On 9 Nov 2008 at 6:41pm Lopster wrote:
what COULD be better than observing an unfair ticket being issued and being community minded enough and with a well-developed enough sense of civil decency to try to advise the owner so that he (or she) can partake in the APPEAL EVERY TICKET scheme?
On 9 Nov 2008 at 8:29pm Warden Watcher wrote:
P.A. No?. I happened to have a camera on me. Is that so wierd?. Maybe they don't have them on your planet. If I see your vehicle getting a wrong ticket in the future, I'll let the warden get on with it as you don't think there is a [roblem with NCP trying to extort money in breach of their contract! Pleased to see you can just throw money away, but you don't have any sense of right and wrong.
On 15 Nov 2008 at 11:36pm NCP Warden wrote:
Warden watcher - we don't ticket ppl for no reason, i hope u do get ur photos in and dispute and hope u loose, as frankly the ncp wardens have no reason to b unfair. There r no bonuse's or commission for NCP and if there weren't enough spaces then u'd be on to the council moaning too, so i believe u wouldn't b happy either way No wardens No parking xxxxxxx
On 16 Nov 2008 at 8:25am Musher wrote:
Er.... how can he lose? It's not his car.
But I'm sure the vindictive tone of your post has convinced everybody of your fair mindedness!
On 16 Nov 2008 at 10:29am J,J,OF NEVILL wrote:
lewes has gone down hill,we in lewes should go back 2 the old ways of parking in the town, we do not need parking wardens.but we do need more shoppers 2 come in 2 town,and the parking in town is puting people off.
On 16 Nov 2008 at 10:29am J,J,OF NEVILL wrote:
lewes has gone down hill,we in lewes should go back 2 the old ways of parking in the town, we do not need parking wardens.but we do need more shoppers 2 come in 2 town,and the parking in town is puting people off.
On 17 Nov 2008 at 9:36am Its Not Rocket Science wrote:
Why on earth do people use text speak (see NCP Warden post) on here.
How much more time does it take to type 'you' instead of 'u', or 'be' instead of 'b' etc..? Perhaps over the course of a year it saves enough time to issue one more unfair ticket !
On 17 Nov 2008 at 10:12am Musher wrote:
Can you explain your "No wardens No parking" statement?
Are you saying that if you and your colleagues were to stop walking around dishing out tickets, no one would be able to park? If so, I think you're suffering from delusions of grandeur.
On 18 Nov 2008 at 8:43pm RedNeck wrote:
It made me laugh when he/she abbreviated nearly everything into "txt" speak but then misspelt "lose" as "loose" LOL
On 10 Apr 2009 at 4:20pm kez wrote:
civil enforcement officers (traffic wardens) dont get any bonuses from ncp for tickets but ncp get paid by the council for them. civil enforcement officers got told off if they dont do enough, if there ticket count stays to low then they get put in for re-training trust me i know

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