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Are You Man Enough?

On 12 Mar 2015 at 11:32am High As A Kite wrote:
The Martlets Hospice is calling all enthusiastic, or persuaded, husbands, sons, & brothers – to slip into a pair of stilettos and sign up to their maiden Men in Heels sponsored dash, which takes place along Cliffe High Street, Lewes, on Saturday 28 March, at 3pm.

Check it out here »
On 12 Mar 2015 at 1:17pm Country Boy wrote:
Aren't the A&E depts under enough pressure?
On 12 Mar 2015 at 2:20pm bastian wrote:
Brilliant idea as long as you've got a size 13
On 12 Mar 2015 at 6:26pm Metatron wrote:
It's all for a great cause.
Not many families won't be touched by the curse of terminal disease. Please give genorously to anyone who asks you to sponser and tick the gift aid box to maximize your donations.
On 12 Mar 2015 at 10:18pm Mrs Twine wrote:
Will they be twerking like the man on the TV ads?
On 12 Mar 2015 at 11:56pm The Old Mayor wrote:
Mrs Twine, how are you Dear ?
On 13 Mar 2015 at 7:29am Mrs Twine wrote:
Thank you for your enquiry, Old Mayor. I am doing as well as can be expected, apart from my old trouble. My production of crocheted barbed wire products has been increased due to the election, so as you can imagine I am very busy and running out of elastoplast, but heigh ho! I send you my best wishes and a pair of yogurt socks, so cool in the summer.
On 13 Mar 2015 at 8:06am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Lovely to hear from you Mrs Twine. Will Mr Twine be putting on a pair of killer heels and dashing down the Cliffe on the 28th?
On 13 Mar 2015 at 9:13am Mrs Twine wrote:
He's still in Parkhurst, dear. The razor wire underpants I was knitting before I lost a finger are for him. Clifford is kindly finished them for me.
I don't contribute much on the Forum nowadays. There is so much politics and anger. Was it Forster who talked of a world full of telegrams and anger? Well, we don't get the telegrams now, but there's more than enough anger.
On 13 Mar 2015 at 10:43am Clifford wrote:
Mrs Twine, I feared we'd lost you and that you had retired to Florida, as you often said you dreamed. The underpants were finished some time ago but I'm afraid they may have rusted. I've sent a little something to Mr Twine via one of the friendlier screws.
On 13 Mar 2015 at 1:55pm Sword of Teetering wrote:
I am tempted to have a go at this, where would one get a pair of stout high heeled shoes ? Mrs Sword thought was a hilarious idea and predicted an 'a' over 't' event with great relish.
On 13 Mar 2015 at 3:09pm Brixton belle wrote:
How lovely to hear your dulcet tones Mrs Twine. Welcome back
Sword - 'stout high-heeled shoes' do not exist and are illogical concept. But I heard Tony at the Snowdrop has good contacts - they run the alt ms world comp
On 13 Mar 2015 at 5:25pm Mrs Twine wrote:
Clifford, you are so kind; hubby did write to say he had received your present. He said it was a cake, and a blonde jumped out of it. She scarpered very quickly, saying there was some mistake as she thought she had been booked for a Masonic function. She was annoyed, but hubby was also annoyed because after all that he could not find a file in the cake. But thanks anyway, Clifford. And now it's back to my hibernation.

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