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Appointments at a certain doctors surgery in lewes

On 1 May 2013 at 7:27pm Rosie cheeks wrote:
this may apply to all the doctors surgeries in lewes, I don't know. If you need to see a doctor, it may not be the one that you usually see, but you are actually lucky to see one, you ha e to phone at 8.30 am to see if you can get an appointment. If you need a blood test you have to wait at least 2 wks. But if this blood test is needed for something really important, then they may be able to fit you in earlier. There services are dreadful. I try not to go and when I do I never see the same doctor, never heard of them before, don't know how long they have worked there. Bring back the 1970's when you could see YOUR doctor and have a conversation with them. When you visit the doctors nowadays you are made to feel a nuisance and you are lucky to have 10 mins.
On 1 May 2013 at 8:17pm Horseman7 wrote:
I'm clearly very fortunate with my GP, whom I see regularly. I hope she never retires.
On 1 May 2013 at 8:44pm Insomniac wrote:
Rosie Cheeks, You've committed the cardinal sin of suggesting healthcare was better before Thatcherblairism. You're in for it now.
On 1 May 2013 at 9:33pm Rosie cheeks wrote:
bring it on. In the 70's I had no problems with my surgery and certainly no probs with Maggie. She sorted out the scum.
On 2 May 2013 at 4:59am Townie wrote:
What i don't understand is this. When i phone up for an appointment at 8.30 am, i want to see a doctor about a problem i have. Now unless this problem is part of an ongoing treatment/diagnosis, i don't really care who i see if all i need is for a doc to give me something for a chest infection or an ingrowing toenail. I certainly don't want to have a "conversation" with them as suggested.
Still the best healthcare in the world.
On 2 May 2013 at 8:19am sjep76 wrote:
I am with St. Andrews and have no such problem there. All doctors are very friendly, you can request to see the same doctor, if you need a blood test sometimes they do it on the same day or a couple of days time. Very happy with their service
On 2 May 2013 at 8:31am Patient 028482 wrote:
Sounds like school hill to me, ...try registering for online booking (they save some appointments just for online booking)
On 2 May 2013 at 10:46am SpeedoNot wrote:
I think it is School Hill. I haven't seen the same doctor there twice for years. I could if I booked 2-3 weeks in advance though! The online registering process is a real test of one's abilities and you still need to show all sorts of documentation (in person) before you can get an on line account.
On 2 May 2013 at 10:54am belladonna wrote:
Thought this was standard practice in most surgeries now - or something similar. if it's non urgent book to see your own doctor in a couple of weeks. If it's urgent then you book an appointment on the day and take pot luck with whichever doctor you get - you can always ask for a particular doctor. I've had same-day blood tests at School Hill as well - the practice nurse can often fit you in, especially if you are in the surgery already seeing the doctor. Also don't forget you can always call NHS Direct for advice and REAL emergencies you should go to A and E.
If you have a complaint about a particular GP group, approach the practice manager or put it in writing.
On 2 May 2013 at 12:39pm Old Cynic wrote:
I usually seen a doctor within 1 - 2 days if non-urgent and same day if urgent - blood tests, no problem - never waited more than 48 hours. Saying that Ive not needed to see one for a couple of years and I hope it stays that way!
On 2 May 2013 at 12:42pm Frak wrote:
I bet they'll all be great at running the whole NHS then.
On 2 May 2013 at 2:17pm deluded fool wrote:
Rosie Cheeks. Scum always rises to the top.
On 2 May 2013 at 4:10pm wanderer wrote:
BTW check your phone bill these telephone calls to the surgery are costing you money they are not part of your free allowance.
What you can do is call Ringmer surgery and that way you avoid speaking to the horrible old witch at Lewes reception
On 2 May 2013 at 4:12pm dr doolittle wrote:
sounds like your talking about the cattle market down by the river where your lucky to see a english doctor get out of there its a sh*thole of a place
On 2 May 2013 at 5:08pm Clifford wrote:
Dr Doolittle - if it wasn't for the constant supply of non English doctors over the years (and I assume you mean British) we probably wouldn't have an NHS.
On 2 May 2013 at 7:19pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Dr. Doolittle- If you mean the German doctor- she is not my normal doctor, but I have seen her on a few occasions and she is very good. (Apart from some years ago, when she told me to stop drinking, and if that was a problem she could arrange for me to see someone-I don't think so!)
The business of having to call at 8.30 for an appointment is of course no use to anyone working; only if you are unemployed or retired can you listen to an engaged tone for an hour. Especially on a premium rate number.
On 2 May 2013 at 7:31pm Cliffette wrote:
Its taken me 2 weeks to get appointment to see a nurse! Never have I had that before!! :-( obviously not important enough!!
On 2 May 2013 at 9:42pm Sicknote wrote:
Def. talking about St. Andrews near the station! It's a nightmare!! First you have to call just as your leaving to go to work or taking kids to school. You have to wait for ages to get through only to be told there's no more apptments that day. We don't get sick in our house any more its such s battle to see a doctor down there. And don't even think about trying to see the same doctor again. No such luck!!! It's been great for our health though. Life or death matters only.
On 3 May 2013 at 1:30pm belladonna wrote:
Welcome to the new NHS everyone. halfway to being privatised and already more efficient, non ?
On 4 May 2013 at 7:59am well man wrote:
sicknote i been using st andrews for years and never had any problems i rate it the best docs in town always see my own doctor always helpfull and all white doctors speaking fluent english

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