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Anyone use Calgon?

On 4 Mar 2009 at 8:07pm zola wrote:
I have recently bought a new washing machine after my trusty Bendix bit the dust after 12 years of sterling service.
When the guys fitted it,they asked if I had taken out any extra insurance on it,to which I replied No.
They said washing machines now are built to last 5 years.(Unless you pay £350+...) So when it packs up it is easier to buy another cheap one.
I watch the Calgon adverts with interest and seeing as I always seem to have a furry bottom I was wondering whether any of you good folk use Calgon,and whether it is really necessary??
Ta muchly.
On 4 Mar 2009 at 8:15pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Have you tried shaving or Imac
On 4 Mar 2009 at 8:35pm zola wrote:
On 4 Mar 2009 at 9:13pm Reliable Plumber wrote:
Zola, I know that you are addicted to television but don't believe everything you see. Calgon is a softening agent to prevent scale forming, granted. However, scale only forms to any extent at temperatures above 60 Celsius. As most poeple do most of their washing at 40 Celsius scale isn't a problem. If you do boil wash your whites regularly then it may help, if not don't waste your money. Your new machine will be garbage long before any of this happens due to the terrible build quality of the sub £500 machines. I wouldn't bother with the insurance plan either, the older the machine gets the more the premiums will be. Better off saving a tenner a week for any repair bills/new machine. Hope this helps!
On 4 Mar 2009 at 9:57pm zola wrote:
Thanks for that RP.I did wonder about the temperature thing,as it is only my kettle that furs up,and I only ever do 40 degree (and less) washes...
When I weighed up the pros and cons of buying a new versus 2nd hand machine,I decided to buy a new one,as I wanted an energy efficient one.
£172.00 for an Indesit,plus 20 delivery+ 8.00 to take your old machine away...Seemed good to me.
Seems a shame about the short shelf life though...But the days of using it every day are long gone,so I should get a few more years out of it.
On 4 Mar 2009 at 10:43pm Reliable Plumber wrote:
My pleasure, Zola. You've highlighted why they don't last long nowdays, £172! They must have cost more than that 20 years ago!
On 4 Mar 2009 at 10:50pm zola wrote:
The guys who fitted it said that these machines mostly come from Spain.
That includes the more expensive machines too...The good machines that do last longer were Miele and Bosch,costing upwards of £500...
Does that mean that any machine over 180 is only expected to last 5 years? Bit naughty eh....

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