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Anyone got a Guitar and 2 leads I can borrow

On 4 Sep 2006 at 6:38pm Paul H wrote:
I've got an old amp I want to put up for sale on ebay but I don't have a guitar, so I can't check it works.
Anyone got a guitar and a couple of leads I can borrow for 1/2 hour or so?
On 4 Sep 2006 at 10:15pm lopster wrote:
got a bass if its up to it and if that's any help - don't want to blow your cone though
On 5 Sep 2006 at 7:56am nick luthi wrote:
Yup.Can help.
Saddo nearly forty loser offers his Yamaha Pacifica ( scourge of the Drop D guitar teen market ) should you wish to " crank it up " and " give it some welly".
You can also pretend it's the nineties again with a Roland thingy and a Kramer bass should you wish to inspect its "bottom".
Have to say - all us faded wannabees usually have similarly delusional friends.
Where are your mates, Paul H?
Please God, don't tell me they actually "made it"!!
Seriously, if I can help.................
Yrs Nick
On 5 Sep 2006 at 8:54pm Paul H wrote:
Lopster, thanks for your offer. A bass would be fine as it's a treble/bass amp and the cone is 18" so should be fine. Nick however has more kit!
I do have one friend who still plays and he's offered me a semi-acoustic. But I'm very tempted by the Yamaha and Kramer, just so I can discuss the versatility of the amp on ebay with some semblance of authority.
I live up behind (behind not in!) the prison, can you give me a call on 0770 339 2807 - obviously beer will be involved as recompense for your efforts.
On 12 Sep 2006 at 7:41am Nick Luthi wrote:
Sorry. Haven't looked at the site in a bit. Will phone you tonight.
On 12 Sep 2006 at 10:10pm Smiler wrote:
Nick, you're spending too much time in the pub with Rob, you need to get in more.
On 13 Sep 2006 at 7:52am Nick wrote:
Sounds like a Gardener's man.
Identify yourself!!
Ummmm....I think I know two Robs.
So many pubs. So little time.
On 13 Sep 2006 at 8:01am Nick wrote:
Or woman. Sorry.

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