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Another tiresome question for webbo

On 3 Dec 2019 at 11:51am Tom Pain wrote:
I presume that posts made after midnight are held for moderation at a more civilised hour which I quite understand. Or, as I have experienced, are they deposited down the memory hole? An answer would save posters a lot of wasted effort, thank you in advance.
On 3 Dec 2019 at 12:32pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Posts don't appear between certain hours (I've tried to respond to yours in the past at a fairly late hour and realised they don't go up so just come back the next morning and repost I'd I can remember or be bothered).

If you're a night-owl keyboard warrior, then you will just have to adapt.
On 3 Dec 2019 at 6:44pm Nevillman wrote:
It's particularly tragic when one considers the wit and wisdom lost to humanity by Tom's posts being lost in a memory hole.
On 3 Dec 2019 at 9:17pm Tom Pain wrote:
Oddly enough my missing post mentioned keyboard warriors and rainbow warrior the ship on which the subject of the post sailed. Patrick Moore was an early member of Greenpeace capturing the attention of the world press with his daring exploits to save whales and baby seals in particular. I saw an article on line by him titled " should we celebrate carbon dioxide" With him being a boots on the ground environmental activist and a qualified scientist it piqued my interest. I recommend it to anyone with a practical interest in environmentalism and the place of humanity in nature. Many apologies for my lack of wit or wisdom but I'm sure Dr.Moore makes up for it with his .
On 4 Dec 2019 at 10:15am Nevillman wrote:
Good to see that you and trump have found another climate change denier to support you in your beliefs Tom. It must make it easier for both of you to ignore the evidence that the vast majority of scientists who have researched the matter have uncovered. I'll continue to believe them rather than the public relations consultant you prefer I think Tom.
On 5 Dec 2019 at 11:33am Tom Pain wrote:
Hi Nev, call me an idiot but what has trump got to do with this, I can't see a connection? I've never even thought that the climate had stopped changing let alone denied it. Some people are of that opinion and even suggest that it will now just get hotter for ever! Still,it sells newspapers doesn't it and gives us a subject to debate. By the way, how do they explain the medieval warm period? The presence of billions of herbivores farting perhaps, before evil humans exterminated them?
On 7 Dec 2019 at 7:12pm Nevillman wrote:
Tom. Everyone accepts that the climate changes over the years for a number of natural reasons. Climate change denier is therefore a misnomer but generally seems to mean someone who does not think that the climate is currently warming up at an accelerating rate due to the actions of humans since industrialization. To the best of my knowledge, included in this category are trump, Patrick Moore and you. If I am wrong in this assessment then I stand to be corrected. Why climate changes like the medieval warming or the little ice age that followed it occur I do not know and personally I'm not sufficiently interested in it to look into it. I am happy to accept the evidence from the large number of scientists who have investigated it that the current climate change is caused by man and to me, the existence of the medieval warming period does not contradict this.
On 9 Dec 2019 at 9:10pm Tom Pain wrote:
Nobody knows how those climate changes occurred, so those scientists have the same reaction as you. Ignore it and hope everyone else does or they might guess that the science is as spurious as their computer models. Jolly hockeysticks!
On 10 Dec 2019 at 8:38am Nevillman wrote:
Noone was taking scientific measurements during the medieval warming to determine even that it was happening, let alone why. It has been hypothesised that it was caused by volcanic activity, solar activity of changes in Ocean circulation. Now, scientists are able to study what is happening to global temperatures and why in considerably more detail. What is your point?
On 10 Dec 2019 at 1:09pm ar10642 wrote:
I usually find this makes climate change deniers think about what they're talking about, for a few minutes at least.

Check it out here »

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