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Another election fraud?

On 26 Aug 2017 at 11:13am Fool me twice wrote:
Does anyone have an opinion on the latest election fraud claims, i.e. the Conservatives paying blue telecoms to canvas on Election Day and ignored people's privacy?
Two elections, two investigations, just what is going on in the conservatives these days?

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On 27 Aug 2017 at 1:42am dick wrote:
we need a re vote
On 28 Aug 2017 at 8:34am Sussex Jim wrote:
I received a canvassing call from the Labour party during June's election campaign- despite being registered with the Telephone Preference service.
@Dick- if we have a re-vote, we should ensure that students and others do not vote twice, using different addresses. The electoral authorities seem to have turned a blind eye to what is purported to be a serious criminal offence.
On 29 Aug 2017 at 6:10am wrote:
If we have a re-vote, we should limit the voting to those below retirement age.
Old people have a habit of voting for a future that doesn't include them. They just want to be nasty to the younger generation they're all jealous of.
That's why they voted Brexit.
On 29 Aug 2017 at 7:31am Pensioner wrote:
I am recently retired, yet I anticipate living for perhaps another twenty years into the future. I also have to consider the future of my descendants.
I have also voted in about a dozen general elections and seen the results of various governments. I consider that i have far more experience on how to shape the future for the better- for all generations.
On 29 Aug 2017 at 1:42pm Mental Age of 6 wrote:
Yeah right, my Dad is a pensioner and thinks he is the worlds best driver. The truth is, his driving is appalling! Oh yes, and he voted Leave and thinks Theresa May is great. I rest my case. Age doesn't necessarily bring wisdom.

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